My Girl

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It didn't exactly hit Travis until partway through the movie that something he had not done his research on was who was in the Twilight movies. He wasn't very focused on the film really, he was trying to calm his nerves because right now he had the Taylor Swift under his arm, and he didn't know how far to push it. He was happy to have gone this far with her. Sure, he wanted to go farther, but if she was uncomfortable he would back down immediately and let her go on with her life. B he couldn't fuck this up now. So he didn't push it. She seemed anxious about a lot of this, he just wanted a movie night.

But it became increasingly awkward when a certain face came on screen.

"Bella! Where have you been Loca?"

He tensed up, raised his arm from her shoulder and reached for the remote, shaking his head in defeat of himself. Maybe he should have listened to Jason talk about all of this Twilight stuff. Maybe he would've known that one of his date's ex's was in the movie, and that it would be awkward to watch that while with your potential soon to be boyfriend.

"Oh my god i'm so stupid, I'm sorry Taylor." He paused the movie and put his hands to his head, but he felt a hand touch his forearm, drawing his hands away so he could make eye contact with stunning blue eyes that somehow even shown in the dark.

"What? About Taylor?"

He shifted his eyes and nodded, running a finger on his bottom lip, "It was kind of stupid of me to want to watch a movie with you that literally has your ex in it... Not that it's like, you know, bad blood but..."

She snorted. Snorted. Probably out of the irony of him using her own song in a casual sentence. "Travis it's fine... Me and Taylor are okay now, we are friends. It's not going to kill me to watch him in a movie."

He shrugged, "But still."

She raised an eyebrow at him and reached over to her wine glass, taking a long sip of it and laying it back down on the table, grabbing the remote from his hand. "Mistakes happen, we can watch another movie instead?"

"I think that would work a bit better. Apparently i'm not a great movie guy."

She laughed and shifted around a few different sites with his remote, seeming to ponder on what's the best to watch. "Hm, I'm guessing Marvel movies are out of the question too then?" She joked, he rolled his eyes and shoved her gently before leaning back against the couch again, laying his arm across the back so she'd be free to fall into it once she picked her movie.

Finally she settled on The Notebook. He hadn't remembered the last time he genuinely watched the notebook. He always thought it was cheesy, a perfect love story that was just too perfect. But he hadn't watched it in years, and perhaps Taylor could change his mind. He certainly felt compelled to as soon as she leaned back into him and let the opening credits roll.

It was so perfect being like this. Wine glasses easily reachable, but drunk on the feeling. The occasion snacking on the charcuterie board he had arranged, but just the blissful quiet. That meant a lot.

He reached behind the couch briefly to grab a throw blanket to settle over their laps about midway through the movie. He had the fire place going, but he figured she might've wanted something else to cover. Her legs were tucked up on the couch, but still politely. Her shoes were arranged neatly below her on the floor, but he would give so much for her to one day be able to toss them and not have a care in the world because it was just him. He wanted her to feel like that with him.

"You are thinking a lot," She commented, "It's very loud." Taylor grinned at him and bunched the blanket on her lap, pushing herself a bit closer but still a comfortable distance. It was still only their second date. She seemed to be enjoying it though.

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