First thing first

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First thing first 

Show your hands 

Are you a new writer?

An experienced writer?

A reader searching for a place to find books that suite your taste?

What is it that brought you here? 

Okay, check! You're a Wattpad user and that's fine by me. Anyone can join the New Writer's hotline.  

There is just one thing though...I only allow books with less than 2.5k reads to be posted however you can self-promote in the comments and that is fine by me.  DONT SPAM

If your going to SELF-PROMOTE please do it on THIS CHAPTER and NOT the NEXT or any other ones(f4f,c4c,v4v,r4v, etc)

you can still self-promote on this chapter and ask for interviews, showcases, sneak peaks on the next if you are under 2.5k reads(Just do it on this chapter I can not stress that enough)

Another thing I don't like rude or snobbish behavior we are all here for one thing and that is BOOKS whether we are writing or reading so please do not hate creators 

Also...I follow everyone back just going to put that out there...xoxo

Im still tracking though... 

Please if you host awards, are a critique, own a book club, own a book review shop please comment here and I will DM to get permission to post you and a link to your book.(No matter how big or small) I will make a separate page for it

Please if you craft book titles, covers, banners, etc. comment here and I will DM to get permission to post you and a link to your book.(No matter how big or small)I will make a separate page for it

Showcases (Only can do it once a month)

Sneak Peaks (Can do it twice throughout the month Ex. If I post it 11/8 you can submit another form for 11/22-12/8 after 11/15) 

Interviews (Only can do it once a month) 

New Writer's HotlineWhere stories live. Discover now