Brothers bestfriend - Gavi (0.2)

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Y/n pov:

You were currently with your brother, Pedro or more commonly known as Pedri, at the Fc Barcelona Training grounds. Your modelling agency was right around the corner and you needed him to take you back to your place. You were waiting for him to start the car when all of a sudden Gavi walks up to the car. "Wait. Pedro, what is he doing in your car?" you asked kinda rudely but you didn't care in the moment. You see normally you would have been fine with it but for about 5 months now you have Gavi have actually been dating behind Pedri's back since you know damn well he would hate for you to be in a relationship, especially since he was his teammate. And you are the kind of person where you just cant hide things like this, like at all. You sit there as Pedri calmly responds with a simple "he doesn't have his license yet so I take him home after trainings normally". You just stare at him, maybe Gavi could walk home? It would be good for him that's for sure. Granted he probably just spent 2 hours training and was most likely in pain but you just knew you could not hide your relationship when he was right there. You just wanted to grab his face and kiss him when he got into the car but you had to resist. All for Pedri's sake.

Pablo's pov:

During training I had asked Pedri if he could drive me home since I didn't have my licence yet and he agreed hence why now I was walking to his car with him but when we got there we saw someone waiting there for him. It was y/n. Shit we're gonna blow our cover. Pedri could never know we were dating. He would kill us, Mainly me but still he would also make sure y/n never went near me again and I dont want that. I love her for gods sake. I started getting in the car when she asked, "wait. Pedro, what is he doing in your car?". Damn guess she's blessing me with her rude side during this car ride. Pedri calmly responded with "He doesn't have his licence yet so I take him home after trainings normally". I give her a smile and she does as well but as soon as Pedri looks at us she gives me a dirty look. Is this what she looks like when modelling agencies decline her? She got into the back seat and Pedri started driving off to my place. It wasnt too far away from camp nou so it only took like 10-20 minutes. The entire time y/n was sitting on her phone in the back pretending to not listen to mine and Pedri's conversation but I knew damn well she was eavesdroping our entire conversation. We got to my place and we all got out since Pedri needed to use the bathroom and he just Forced y/n out of the car. Wow what great siblings I thought. I let them inside and Pedri ran upstairs and I mean RAN. Like damn if he ran that fast during out matches maybe we would score more goals. Me and y/n sat on the couch making sure Pedri was gone. 

Y/n pov:

As I noticed Pedri was gone, I grabbed Pablo's face gently and passionately Kissed him, slowly but surely sitting in top of him. Pretty much straddling him. "God, I hated ignoring you." I said quietly while hiding my face in his neck. He gently pushes my face up and whispers "it's alright amor, I forgive you." You smile at this and start to kiss him again when suddenly Pedri walks into the room. 'What the fuck is going on here?!" Pedri yells with a disappointed look on his face. You and Pablo look at him while trying to stay calm. The words "what the fuck" replaying in both you minds a million times.

Pedri pov:

I was walking down the stairs while fixing my hair when all of a sudden I saw it. Them. My little sister making out with my best friend. What the fuck were they thinking. All I can think to do is to yell at them so I scream, "What the fuck is going on here?!" Disappointment is all I feel and they turn around and stare at me with a concerned look on their faces. "How long has this been going on for?!" I say trying not to act to mad at them even though honestly they deserve it. How could they do this behind my back for god knows how long. I mean for all I know this could have been happening for YEARS. Y/n quietly speaks up answering my question, "We first started going out about 7 months ago then made it official 5 months ago..." All I can think to do is grab y/n and drag her out of here. So that's what I do. I slam the door and help y/n in the car. "Dont try talk to me." Was all I could say to her. She looks like she was about to cry and It broke me but I had to stay mad at her. I mean she and my best friend were going out BEHIND MY BACK FOR 7 MONTHS?! What did they expect me to say, 'oh congratulations on being complete dickheads and keeping one of the biggest things ever to your selfs even though I should have known'. Like come on. After arriving at mine and my sisters shared place we split, her going to her room probably to cry for the next 24 hours while I go to the kitchen to get a banana to snack on. It stayed like that until Pablo knocked on the door asking if he could come in. At first I told him to go away but I could see that if he didn't come inside he would probably burst out crying right there on the door step. I let him in and followed him to y/n's room.

Pablo's Pov:

After what just happened I couldn't stop thinking on what to do. I had to explain it to Pedri and hopefully convince him to let me be with her. I quickly walked to him place and knocked on the door. A million thoughts rushing through my mind as he opened the door. "He's not gonna forgive you" "Your never gonna be with y/n again" God I really hate my intrusive thoughts sometimes. After practically begging Pedri to let me inside I was allowed in and I immediately ran to y/n's room. I opened the door slowly and I saw her lying on her bed cuddling a pillow while crying. The sight made my heart break a little as I heard Pedri follow me. I quietly walk up to her bed and start to hold her while she got comfy on my lap. I didn't care if Pedri was watching, she didn't either. At least I didn't think she did. She slowly fell asleep while laying on me as I looked up at Pedri. "Please Pedri, Just give me one more chance. I love her..." I say whispering while he just did a slight knod while smiling. "Fine, just dont hurt her or I'll force Xavi to kick you off the Barca team" He said laughing a bit. I laughed a bit as well, slowly lowering my head to look at y/n. "Not in a million years"



AHH I FINALLY POSTED also I hate this sm so ignore how badly written this is and spelling mistakes.

Love you, Iza 💗

Love you, Iza 💗

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 06, 2023 ⏰

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