Sleepy - Jude b (0.1)

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As you were waiting for Jude to come back from training you grew kinda bored

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As you were waiting for Jude to come back from training you grew kinda bored. this was quite common to be honest. Jude's training's would normally take about 3-4 hours and during that time you tended to just sit on your couch and do nothing but today you wanted to watch a film. so you did, you decided to put on the film the wolf of wold street. kinda inappropriate but who cares. Halfway through the film Jude came home.

"Hello love, how was training?"

"It was good, Reyna wasn't there though sadly."

"Oh ok."

Jude try's to go for a hug but then you push him off.

"No, you stink love."

"Aww come on, it's not that bad, is it?"

"Yeah it is so go and have a shower!"

He walks away laughing as you go back to the couch putting the wolf of wolf street back on. About 20 minutes later Jude comes back and watched the rest of the film with you.

"This film is so inappropriate!?"

"Oh get over it love."

As the film was just about to finish Jude realised that you had fallen asleep.

"Are you sleepy love?"

He just turns of the film and go's to sleep aswell.

This is so shit but I need to post so here is this. Next chapter will be out next week cause I finish my first term of school in 2 days 😭👍🏽 .

 Next chapter will be out next week cause I finish my first term of school in 2 days 😭👍🏽

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Why is he so cute 🫡🤭

𝗙𝗼𝗼𝘁𝗯𝗮𝗹𝗹 𝗶𝗺𝗮𝗴𝗲𝘀Where stories live. Discover now