Chapter 11

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As the sun began to slowly set on Trost, Ash along with Pikachu, Eren, Armin, Mikasa and Pixis were standing above the wall and looking down at a group of Titans clawing at the base of the wall. They were accompanied by Gustav and Anka, along with Rico, Ian and Mitabi.

After dismissing all charges against the youngsters and relieving that idiot Weilman of his duties, Pixis took charge in strategizing a countermeasure to reclaim the Trost District from the Titans. And to ensure Eren and his friends' safety, he placed them under his protection until the mission was complete. In order for his plan to work, he needed their full cooperation.

For Ash it didn't take much. Despite the easy going smile, the Old Commander was wary of him. But when Armin, Mina, Tom and many of 104th testified for him, Pixis agreed to Ash join their mission.

"You know being eaten by a Titan wouldn't be a horrible way to go, so long as she was a stunningly attractive one." Pixis remarked with a smile to the group behind him, as he slowly took out his flask to take a sip of the expensive Wine that Lord Wald had.......ahem generously offered him.

"Stunningly attractive huh" Ash peered down "Can't say I have seen one yet"

[And it's not like you can do the deed with the Titan anyway. They don't have any tools] Pikachu said causing Ash to shoot the mouse a look of digust.

Pixis laughed a little. Sigh! It was refreshing to see someone so young share his sense of humor. Shaking his head he turned to Eren and Armin

"So tell me Cadets" He looked at them, especially Armin, "You said that Cadet Yeager's Titan Power can help us retake Trost"

"Yes" The blonde boy nodded.

"Do you truly believe that? Or was that just a desperate plea for your life?" The Commander's sharp bored into them, causing an involuntary chill to crawl up Armin's spine.

"It was...both," Armin answered honestly, gulping a little "I was going to suggest that Eren, in Titan form, could take that giant rock near the entrance and use it to block the wrecked entrance."

Ash turned to look at the giant Rock just a hundred metres away from the entrance. It was big enough to completely close the Wall.

But the question is can Eren lift that boulder? Or can he even transform into a Titan on his own free will?

"It was just an idea I came up with on the spot." Armin continued "I just wanted them to see the possibilities of Eren's ability and how it could help solve the situation we're in. Of course, I was desperate to survive, too!"

"Desperate to survive," Pixis repeated, smiling. "There's nothing more credible than those words." He pulled out the flask again and took a swig. After that he turned to Eren.

"What do you say, Trainee Yeager?" Pixis asked "Do you agree with your friend?"


"Can you seal that gate?" Pixis asked casually.

"I... Well... I'm not sure. Right now, I don't really understand any more than the rest of you," Eren admitted. Armin was quiet. Mikasa looked unsure while Ash just stared at the Gate in thought "Maybe I can. Maybe I can't. I don't know. I don't feel I can risk giving an irresponsible answer."

"Ah, yes. My apologies," Pixis said cheerfully. "I asked the wrong question." The smile dropped and his tone became more authoritative. "Will you do it or not?" He leveled the boy with a stern look. His gaze shifted behind the Titan-Shifter.

Eren turned his head, following the man's field of vision across the land. Determined, he was quiet for a few seconds before saying "I'll do it. I'll do it! I don't know if I can plug the hole or not but I'll do it!"

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