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Being raised by cold eyes taught me not to cry✨

Author's POV

Arjun was wrapped up in checking out some important documents of Accounting and marketing departments.

But the sound of his phone ringtone distracted him.He threw a glance at his phone and saw Father name was flashing on the screen.

He was reluctant to pick up the call at first but after a few seconds .He unwilling picked up the call.

Just don't do anything stupid.

His inner conscience threatened him.

He was sincerely hoping the conversation to be strictly business related.As things were awkward between them,to say the least,they hadn't a real conversation from past few years, anything apart business and profit.

Taking a deep breathe,he spoke"Can I know what are you calling for" without beating around the bush.

His father laughed heartily from the other side of the phone.Arjun grew a little bit more uncomfortable.

Something doesn't feel right.

"Can't I call my son for no reason?"

Hearing the word my son made Arjun infuriated.

Having kids doesn't make you a father.Raising them does.He thought in his mind before speaking.

"I'm in no mood for any games dad.Get straight to the point".His voice was authoritative.Funny,how the roles had reserved.When he was a kid.He had never dare to raise his voice in front of his father and it would be his elder sister who sang lullaby to made him sleep early.

Maybe time had gifted him this authority or perhaps cursed him,with it.

"I have to talk to you on something crucial so it would be much better if you'll come here" saying these words his father cut the call.

He groaned internally,his headache was getting worse.Could the day get any worse?.He instantly called his secretary and commanded her to call off the meetings .He drove his car to the mansion where his father lived with his second wife.

Inhaling a sharp breathe.He got out of his car and walked towards the entrance.When he entered in the hall.He found them in the living room.

Their living room looked like something out of an Architectural Digest spread.Tufted settees sat at right Angles to carved wood tables, porcelain tea sets jostled for space next to priceless tchotchkes.Even the air smelled cold and impersonal,like generically expensive fresheners.

Some people had homes,they had a showpiece.

He cleared his throat and that's when his father Abhimaan Singhania noticed him."Arjun !"You came,Come sit"

"Do you want some drink?"Anamika Singhania asked but he paid no heed to her like he always did.

He went to sit on the couch opposite his father and asked him directly."What's it you wanted to talk to me about"?

"Fine,fine first let me take a breathe of relief".his father vitality replied .

"So,your mother was always vexatious about your marr-"

"Dad,if it's about how she is living or is tensed about something."It's really not my business."Talk about it to the other person".He didn't manage to tone down the aggravation.

"But it's about you"His father's second wife spoke and kept her hands on his father's shoulder,her touch was tense and voice was worried. The kind of worried that warned him of a forthcoming drama.

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