Chapter 19: Canoe and Cannot

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"No matter how prepared you are, there is still someone that will drive you to stutter, moreover spill a coffee to yourself"

🛶Canoe and Cannot🛶


"I packed some things you might need. Although you packed the things you need already. Happy for that fact. I kind of squeezed some ointments that may be of help if you'll have headaches during the trip. I also thought you might need a bunch of medicine in case of something that will not happen. Ibuprofen, paracetamol, and anti-histamine. You don't have allergies, right? Well, it's just for in case. And oh-" Mom was all caring when dad cut her.

"He's already nineteen, Loren. He's an independent, smart, and liberated kid," dad muttered.

"I know, I know. But he'll still be a ten years-old in my eyes," she sounded worriedly jocular. Both of them stood waiting in front of the gate while I tidy myself in the backseat of the 'new' Mercedes-Benz of Sage. New because It'll be my first time again to ride here after he hasn't used it for months.

Not to mention, Auntie was driving. Since it wouldn't make sense if Sage would just park his car in school while he loafs around in the cold. 

"Don't worry Loren, my son will take of yours, right?" She sharply turned to the seat on her right. 

"Yeah, of course, I will," nonchalantly while he leaned on the car window, listening to music from his lone AirPod. I rolled my eyes when they are far from looking at me.

Eventually, the car started moving. It was a quiet ride to the university. Sage didn't even bat an eye to start a conversation, and so I will. Only her mother tried to talk something to spray out the dead air. 

"I'm sure it'll be fun! Wouldn't it?" She tried to talk to Sage, but he was still unbothered. 

She seemed to be talking to both of us, so I stepped in to not spoil the moment. "Yes it will. It's actually my first time."

"I know~ As for Sage, it's his second time. Remember when he was a boy scout in elementary? They went to a jamboree in Cagayan. It's unfortunate that you weren't there." She turned and turned the steering wheel while running some stories to tell.

"Yeah, yeah." Although I don't really remember some of it. The fact that I hate being a boy scout could be the reason I didn't gave space for it to remember. 

"Won't you be more enthusiastic, Sage?" Auntie complained, annoyed. The only reply of him is a sigh, but instead of air, he exhaled a deep whispering grunt.

Finally, we arrived at school. Two lengthy buses fell in line at the front of the gate. They were both blue, the windows are tinted, and the wheels looked like it will be great in long travels. I'm sure that those buses will be filled with journalists. Even though that thought made me throw up with the fact that there will be so many people in one room, I'm ready to face something like that. I'm prepared if I started smelling vomit across the bus; I'll adapt to the bumpy rides.

"Seats thirteen and fourteen, Tori and Clarity, respectively."

"Ugh!" Clarity bleated.

"I dislike sitting with you more than you do," Tori retorted.

"Seats nine and ten, Noah and Sage, respectively."

"Do I get the window seat?" Noah wondered innocently like he does ever.

"I get the window seat," Sage monotonously claimed. He walked up the bus without anywho to turn his head around.

"Aw...can't we just take turns?" Noah followed.

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