Chapter 12

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Lunch time was fun yet dreading because it was awfully crowded there. Izzy took me to their regular table and there were already two guys and two girls sitting on it. Must be her friends.
Izzy sat beside the blonde haired girl and she pulled out a chair for me on her other side while her friends were looking at me curiously.
"guys she's Aria new here now introduce yourselves dimwits" Izzy says playfully.

"hi aria nice to meet you I'm Julia and this is my twin Aliya. We're 14.hope we can be good friends" the blonde haired girl says softly while the red haired twin smiles at me. They're very pretty. Both have sharp yet soft features.

"nice to meet you too I'm aria, im thirteen."aria says nervously fiddling with her fingers. She's never had friend. In her old school nobody really talked to her or anything. She was the quiet kid so no one approached these kids wants to be friends with her surprising really. They seem really nice.

"yo hi you're younger than all of us damn I'm Liam nice to meet you ari, we're going to be best friends hah" Liam the black haired guy says smiling at me smirking at the rest of them. "best friends? Oh hell no she's my bestie so back off" Izzy says putting an arm around my shoulder. Best friends?

"yall shut the eff up. she's going to be my bestie. hello Aria I'm Callan. You're so cute and don't listen to them I'm the nicest out of all of them." Callan says smugly while the others scoff at him. Soon they all start taking about classes and stuffs while I just sit there quietly listening to their conversation and eating the strawberries Julia gave me.
" guys where's Aaron? Did he not came to school today?" Aliya asks looking at Liam. Liam shruggs while saying "we didn't had any classes today with him so don't really know"

"who's Aaro-..." I was about to ask when someone pulls out the empty chair beside me and place themselve. I try not to flinch whe the new guy suddenly looks at me.

"who are you?" the guy asks aria as she stills and looks down nervous of him suddenly.

"Aaron dude stop scaring her with your face. She's my bestie Aria. She's the youngest baby here so we have to take care of her." Callan says playfully glaring at The Aaron guy. He has smooth and silky black hair and blue eyes. He's very good looking. All of my friends are. My friends.its nice to have some friends. They're so cool. The Aaron guy stares at me curiously as he says," oh so you're the infamous Marino sister huh? The new kid who everyone has been talking about?" aria stiffens as she tries to procces his words. Infamous? Are my brothers famous here? Or what. Does that mean everyone here knows about me? Oh no. This is not good. Aria feels nervous thinking how she's going to survive her school year with all the attention. Dang it.

"What she's already the hot topic? Brittney and Thomas can't keep their mouth shut huh?Dumb arses" Julia says scoffing.

"who is Brittney and Thomas? " I ask quietly. Aaron's face snaps at my direction after I talk. He's looking at me with a weird look in his eyes. I don't know why but Im feeling kinda nervous around him. He's just very intimidating but how can a 14 year be intimidating smh.

"Brittany is the popular but bitchy girl in our school who was your brother Zack's ex and Thomas is her dumb pathetic little brother who's in our history class. They both are very shitty bullies .Always picking up on the quiet students." Izzy answers as the rest of them makes ew faces at the mention of the girl and her brother's name. O don't really know what to think about it but if they're bullies then I would definitely stay away from them.
"whatever now lunch time is finished I have art next what about you guys?" Liam asks as he picks up his lunch box.

"mines is art too let's go together then" Julia says as they both bid their goodbyes.

"I have boilogy now" Izzy says as she looks at me. "I.. Uh have a free period now" I mutter softly as she looks at me wiping her fake tear while saying how she wants to bunk that stupid class.

"Izzy I have biology too let's go ms.jenner will kill us if we're late again."aliya says rushing out of the cafeteria. Izzy smiles at me before leaving.

"I have music now what bout you bro?" Callan asks Aaron as they both stand up.

"I uh i have e-english now. yeah English. you later bye."
Aaron stutters out as he rushes out if the cafeteria not before giving me a last look.

"weird. Anyways aria bestie it was nice meeting you will see you tomorrow bye bye" Callan says waving and running to go to his next class. I don't know what do I do now. Should I go to the library? Or the rooftop? Or should i...

Soft but a fast paced song booms through the dance room as a girl is dancing freely not having a care of the world. She finally feels free. She's in her own world. Her soft delicate yet powerful moves are hitting every beat. She's just so perfect but sadly she doesn't realizes it.
Her every move her every step tells a story. She's expressing her sadness through her dancing. And behind the curtains someone is watching her expressing her feeling. He has never ever seen someone dancing this good. He feels like he's seeing an angel. An angel dancing. This feels to good to be real to him. As soon as the music stops the girl collapses on the floor. Breathing hard but her smile never wavering. She sat up and looks at herself in the huge mirror. She smiles. A genuine smile. This smile could lit up an entire town. Her precious smile her laugh, is like an music to his ears. She gets up and fixes her bag over her shoulder before closing the dance room Door gently and leaves. The guy behind the curtains steps out after and thinks how can a sweet shy girl like her dance that good. She wasn't just dancing she was expressing her every emotions thru her body moves. Just amazing. The corner of his lips turns upwards as he unknowingly smiles thinking about the girl. With a plan in his mind he too leaves the room.


Bidding izzy a bye aria steps out of the front gate of her school and looks for her brother. Luke steps out of his car as he sees his sister at the front gate. He waves a little and smiles while aria runs up to him.

"hey sweetheart how was school? missed you so so much" Luke asks gently as he takes her bag out of her shoulder.

"it was very nice. I missed you too Luke. Are you gonna be at home today? Aria asks quite cheerfully. She just missed him so much in the past two days. She wants to spend time with him.

"that's good!yes I'm gonna be at home today. The twin's are at swimming practice so I came to pick you up now hop in." Luke tells her as he opens the car door for her. Making sure she sat properly he closes the door and goes to the driver seat.

"so how was work?" aria asks as Luke starts the car.

"bleh it was boring yet stressful. Did three surgerys. All turned out successful how about you hun how was class?" Luke says as she looks at him.

"it was good. I liked Mr Gomez he was so nice. He's our English teacher." aria tells him smiling a little as Luke listens to her talk about her favorite subject and classes. After reaching their house aria jumps out of the car seat and rushes to the front door hearing a careful from Luke. She opens the door and Elijah also steps down from the staircase.

"hi Elijah" aria says cheerfully.

"hey hun I see someone's in a good mood. How was school love?" Elijah asks gently smiling at his sister. They both sat down at the living room couch where Dante was working on his laptop. He didn't even greet her.

"it was great but can I go to my room now? I need to shower and change." aria asks as Elijah tells her to go and be down at 7 for dinner before giving her forehead kiss. Aria runs up to her room and plops down on the bed sighing. She feels good. So good. Dancing makes her feel better. Though she hurt her foot but that didn't stop her from that. She feels better after almost 2 years. She was alone in her own world, dancing her mind away. She finally felt she's free.
Okay guys how's the chapter?

Question of the day:favorite song?


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