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The next day at school, Jeno arrived with a few visible bruises and a bandage across his nose bridge. Female students couldn't help but steal glances, murmuring in hushed tones about how even with the injuries, he managed to look somehow... captivating.

He sought out Jimin, curiosity and gratitude in his eyes. And he spots her sitted in a table across Jaemin and Minjeong. "Hey, Jimin," he called out, sitting beside the girl.

"Hey, Jeno, how are you feeling?" she asked, her voice gentle.

"I'm okay. It's not that serious, thanks to you," he gives of a reassuring smile. "And I am curious about how did you find out about everything?"

"Oh, it's not just me. You should thank Jisung and Heeseung, too. We saw those HYBE bullies and heard them talking something about the warehouse. And through Jisung, we got to know that you guys would be there, at that moment. So, I decided to-" 

"Oppa! What happened? Are you okay?"

As Jimin explained, a sudden commotion caught their attention. Wonyoung, Jeno's current girlfriend, rushed towards him, her eyes wide with concern. Wonyoung's voice was filled with dramatic worry, her eyes brimming with tears. Her hands gently touching the bruises, and she cupped Jeno's face with a look of deep sadness. 

Jeno, somewhat accustomed to Wonyoung's theatrics, managed a small smile. "I'm fine, Wonyoung. Just a little scuffle, nothing serious."

Wonyoung continued to hover, her concern escalating with each passing moment. Her actions were impossible to ignore, and Jimin couldn't help but feel a pang of sadness in her heart.

Jaemin, who had been observing the scene, discreetly nudged Jeno. "Looks like you have a very... devoted girlfriend." Jeno chuckled softly.

As Wonyoung continued her dramatic display of concern, Jeno's composed facade began to wear slightly thin. There was a subtle hint of annoyance in his eyes, though he did his best to keep it hidden.

Jimin quietly excused herself from the scene followed by Minjeong.

Jeno, though he didn't openly acknowledge Jimin's departure, couldn't help but catch a glimpse of her retreating figure. His eyes lingered for a moment, a flicker of something unspoken passing through them.

Jaemin, ever perceptive, watched the exchange with a knowing look. He knew that while Jeno tried to maintain appearances, his mind was elsewhere. Then he left the place giving the couple some privacy. 


As the basketball practice session unfolded, Jeno couldn't help but steal glances around, secretly hoping to spot Jimin on the sidelines, offering him her silent support. Each time, however, his eyes landed on Wonyoung, who had taken it upon herself to be by his side.

It was Wonyoung that he spotted during the breaks also. She approached him with a water bottle in hand.

"Oppa, make sure you stay hydrated," she urged, offering him the bottle.

Jeno took it with a grateful smile, though his gaze occasionally flicked towards the sidelines, a silent plea for Jimin to appear.

Jimin, watching from a distance as she held her own water bottle and a towel, a silent offering of support that went unnoticed amidst the theatrics. Seeing Wonyoung take care of Jeno in her stead, sadness washed over her. 

She took a deep breath, steeling herself. She knew that she needed to be strong and continue supporting Jeno, even if it meant doing so from a distance.

As Jimin turned to leave the court, she found herself face to face with Jisung, Heeseung, and Chenle (Jisung's best friend), all donned in their basketball jerseys and brimming with excitement.

"Jimin noona!" Jisung exclaimed, his eyes bright with enthusiasm. "You can't leave just yet! You have to watch us play!"

Heeseung nodded vigorously, a wide grin on his face. "Yeah, noona! We've been practicing some cool moves, and we want to show you!"

Despite her initial reluctance, Jimin couldn't resist the infectious energy radiating from the boys. She let out a soft laugh and allowed herself to be gently tugged back towards the court.

"Alright, alright, I'll stay and watch," she conceded, her heart warmed by their eagerness.

Jisung and Heeseung exchanged triumphant glances, leading Jimin towards the court where Jeno and his team were already in the midst of their practice.

"Jeno Hyung!" Jisung called out. "We're going to practice with you, is that okay?"

Jeno, in the midst of a play, turned to see his younger brother and his friends. A smile crossed his face as he nodded. "Of course. Show us what you've got."

As Jisung, Chenle and Heeseung took their positions on the court, Jeno's eyes scanned the area, his gaze falling upon Jimin. He watched her with a mixture of surprise and pleasure.

During a break in the practice, Heeseung sprinted over to Jimin, his eyes sparkling with mischief. "Noona, could I trouble you for some water?"

Jimin, though reluctant, couldn't turn down the request. She offered him the water bottle.

As Heeseung settled down next to her, he couldn't resist slipping into his flirty, playful manner. "You know, Jimin noona, they say water is the key to staying refreshed and beautiful. You must be living proof of that."

Karina couldn't help but chuckle at Heeseung's cheesy pick-up line. "Heeseung, you're quite the smooth-talker, aren't you?"

Meanwhile, on the court, Jeno couldn't help but overhear the exchange. His brows furrowed slightly, a mixture of amusement and annoyance flickering in his eyes. He knew Heeseung's flirtatious nature all too well, and while it didn't bother him much, he couldn't help but find it slightly grating.

Heeseung and Jimin shared a light-hearted moment, their banter filled with playful charm. However, their exchange was abruptly interrupted by Jeno's booming voice.

"Alright, enough chit-chat!" Jeno called out, his tone a mix of authority and playful impatience. "Let's get back to practice!"

Heeseung, startled by the sudden outburst, quickly left Jimin's side and hastened back onto the court. As the practice resumed, Jeno's play became notably more aggressive, especially towards Heeseung.

He dribbled with intensity, maneuvering around the court with precision. When he faced off against Heeseung, his moves were sharp and calculated, giving Heeseung a run for his money.

Heeseung, while skilled, found himself challenged by Jeno's heightened intensity. The game became a fierce battle of skill and determination, with neither player willing to back down.

Jimin watched from the sidelines, her eyes fixed on the intense match unfolding before her. She could sense the competitive spirit emanating from both players, their passion for the game on full display.

Wonyoung is not oblivious. She can read the room really well. Though she may not discern the exact details of the current situation, she is pretty sure that there's some sort of love triangle unfolding, with hidden feelings involved.

As the game continued, the court echoed with the sounds of rapid footsteps and the rhythmic dribbling of the basketball. The sun dipped lower in the sky, casting long shadows across the court, a testament to the dedication of these young players.


Author's Note:

So, this is the update for this Sunday. Hope you enjoy it! 

As I have mentioned, our 2nd semester is starting tomorrow. I'll be so busy now. Oh, God! How I hate school.

And I really appreciate each and everyone who makes this far. I know very well that my writing is not good. But I just really love writing. So, even if no one is reading, I might still continue writing. LOL.  See you on Wednesday??


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