Power Or Powerless

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Jk knew that he need to make all this to stop & he knew how. He went to the others at least they had Ken which he was gonna destroy him. Ken didn't know what was coming for him. Jk got to the place but before he transforms himself in something out of normal.

 Jk got to the place but before he transforms himself in something out of normal

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In less than 3 min Ken was destroy & gone nobody had a chances to act. Jk was fast & nobody didn't know how that big bird got inside the place. When the guys try to act it was to late cause Jk turn back to normal his human form. He went back to the house, when to the bathroom shower & got new clothes to go & see his Jin. But he need to control himself not let go his cold side if he does Jin become heartless & cold. He don't want to destroy innocent Jin. Jk got ready & went to see Jin, when he got to Jin room he saw this beautiful Angel seating in the bed. Jk walk to Jin & ask you hungry or need anything? Jin look up & said in a lovely voice when I'm going home? What is this place? Jk look at him & smile he call him come here baby. Jin was surprised but went to Jk. My name is not baby my name is Jin Kim Seokjin but not baby. Jk laugh at the way Jin corrected him well Mr.Kim my name is Jk Jeon Jung Kook. Jin open his eye & said You you you you are the man who it's always in my room. Jk was surprised he never thought Jin knew about that. Jk smile & said how you know it me maybe it's someone else? Jin shake his head & said nope it's you cause I know about your moles under your bottom lip on your nose you have 3 on your cheeks & one almost on you chin you scar in you cheeks, plus I can't never forget you Deer eyes at night.Jin got really shy but in a blink of an eye he start acting like he didn't have no feelings in his eye Jk knew he need to contact control the switch feelings.So Jk got more near to Jin & told him do what I said ok? Jk told Jin give me your Hand closed your eyes & think the first time you felt love. Jin this as he was being told & he was feeling sweet & lovely again. Jk open his eye & said Jin open your eye Jin did as he was told Jk saw again the bright & love in Jin eye. So baby do you think you could stay here & live with me in my castle? Jin was take back & said No I can't I have my own house I don't want or need your house at all. Jk knew he was getting cold heartless but what Jin did was surprise. He grab Jk neck & kiss him like he wanna take his life away. Jk try to push him but Jin got stronger. Jin push Jk against the sofa & he got on top of Jk touching Jk in a sexual way that Jk was crying he couldn't control. Jin let him go & look at him & said Your mine why you was so closed to that guy by the door? Jk knew that Jin would go back to went he was telling the guys to get Ken. Jk just bring his head down which Jin didn't like it he grab Jk chin & told him, answer me who was that man your mine nobody it's allowed to get near of what it's mine Do you understand? Or do I have to mark you? Jk was shock & he couldn't answer so Jin brought his head near Jk neck & suck it he made a big hickey on Jk neck. Then kiss Jk lips again like there was a life pending on it.

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