♡︎ 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐬𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧 ♡︎

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I gently knock on the door and open it. "Tom." I speak gently. I walk through the small living room, throwing the keys down onto the coffee table and go through to his bedroom. "Fucking hell." I hear him grunt, his voice laced with arousal. I immediately recognise his noises and open the door. He's there with another girl. A different one from the last time I caught him cheating.

As I clap eyes on him I feel my heart drop. "God..."
I whisper. He quickly pulls out of the girl and tries to cover himself.  "Oh Tilly, I'm so sorry.." he speaks, although I'm too disoriented to listen to a word he says. "I'm going... you can.. carry on." I immediately turn on my heel and make my way back to my dorm.

I feel the tears start to form in my eyes and I don't bother to hold them back. They start to stream down my face. I fumble with my house key and manage to open the door, Theo sees me and his eyes immediately fill with concern. "Tilly! What's wrong?" He rushes over to me as I sniffle softly.

"He... did.. it... again." I hiccup with every word. I don't need to elaborate. Theo knew exactly what I mean, he'd seen this coming a mile away, as did everybody else but I managed to blind myself with Tom's bullshit.

"Oh Til... come here." He whispers, pulling me close to his chest. "He's not worth crying over." He looks at my face and wipes the tears away. I nod in agreement but continue to cry. "There, there it's okay." He talks to me gently, stroking my hair.

"I don't wanna go back to him again." I sniff quietly. "Good, he doesn't deserve a nice sweet girl like you Tilly." He tries to calm me down. "Hey remember that time I had that tummy bug and you looked after me?" He smiles, thinking back to a few months ago when I stayed off school for him. "Yeah.. Tom got really jealous and didn't speak to me for days." I sniff.

"But you still did it, you made me feel better Tilly. So that's what I'm gonna do for you, alright?" He smiles gently as I nod. "What about your date?" I speak, half expecting her to be still in his room. "Well.. it was going really great, but she left after we.. y'know... she told me she had better things to do basically." He talks, a little embarrassed. 

"Ah.. sorry." I whisper, still a little tearful. "Now, which movie you wanna watch?" He asks me, gently sitting down on the couch with me. "You can pick... I don't mind.." I look at him, it's clear he's really trying to cheer me up.

"Fight club?" I nod as he stands up and puts the dvd in the player. "Press play." I speak, still sniffing. "No no! We need snacks first silly!" He walks to the kitchen quickly and starts microwaving some popcorn. "You want hot chocolate? I can put the little bunny marshmallows on top?" He speaks softly.

"Sure." I force a smile back at his efforts. He comes back with the popcorn and hands me a mug. "Thanks." I mumble. "Ah Tilly you're all snotty, gross. Cmere." He takes a tissue and wipes my nose carefully. "Thanks Theo.."

He watches the movie, "you want some spliff?" He breaks the silence, picking up his backpack. "Sure." I mutter, keeping my eyes on the screen. "Put the lamp on I can't see what I'm rolling here." I lean over and put the lamp on. He starts to roll the joint again.

He lights in and begins to smoke from it. "Here." He hands the joint to me. I take a long drag and exhale, I start to cough. "Eugh, this one's gross." He laughs quietly. "Yeah I got it from a different guy."

We continue to watch the movie and smoke, soon enough we start talking about all different things. "Hey remember that time you fell on your ass in the snow and it looked like you peed." I giggle quietly and he grins. "Yeah cause you pushed me! How about the time you puked on me after drinking all that punch!" He laughs.

I look up at him and pretend to pout. "Shut up." He laughs and stares at me for a second. His face changes, he's not laughing anymore. I look into his eyes, he accidentally stares down at my lips for a second too long and I notice. I quickly move away and stand up

"Umm.. it's late, I have exams tomorrow. Goodnight." I say awkwardly. "Oh.. sure, goodnight Tilly." He speaks, avoiding eye contact.

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