The Letter

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It was truly a most boring and regular day for Mei Hatsume, making her 'babies' listening to her sensei spout nonsense about safety, all that and more.

Or it would have been until she was poked at.
"What is it can you not see I'm busy?!"

She questioned in rather loud and annoyed tone. Looking at the figure who disturbed her it looked like her sensei.

"A fine way to say what is it Hatsume very nice... Anyway a letter for you."

"A letter?"
She took the letter and stared at it for a good long five minutes.

Her face beginning to show a wave of emotions from confusion to shock.


She whispered in a hushed tone her sensei beginning to worry.

"What was that Hatsume are you alright?"

She didn't speak she just stared at the letter.

Until she immediately bolted from her seat to the lab entrance.

At this point she had pushed several students and hero's/ teachers out of her way while tears were rolling down her cheeks slightly blurring her vision but she bulldozed her way to her dorm.

After some time she got to her dorm room locking the door.

She stared at the letter as she made her way to her desk where a plushie was laying.

The very one her only best friend and crush from her childhood gave her... Izuku Midoriya.

It had been so long since she had seen the boy, the day he left was devastating for her and she thought she would never love someone again the way she loved him but before he left he gave her a plushie and a promise that they would one day meet again.

Today might be that day.

She sat on her desk chair and began to open the letter and then she froze... inside the letter there was blood... she began to breathe more deeply, her breathing becoming rapid and showing signs of a panic attack all the while her vision was being blurred by the amount of tears welling up.

Reaching for the plushie she held it close to her inhaling its scent like a dog.


She begged to no one in particular.

"Please be okay please God..."

Clutching the doll one her arms she began to finally cry.

So many thoughts ran through her head.

Was Izuku alive?

Why was there blood?

Why did he leave?

What was it that drove him to leave?


Her thoughts screaming and beginning to overwhelm her mind.

'Breathe in Mei breathe'

An unfamiliar line of thought invaded her head silencing her thought process immediately.

She stopped for a moment and began to breathe in and out slowly.

After some moments passed she slightly calmed down.

Looking downward towards the plushie she leaned down and whispered.

"Thank you"

She got no answer from it but she could feel it's appreciation... as if it was a living creature.

She slightly shook her head and focused on the real task at hand finding out what's in that letter...
With new found determination she grabbed the letter and began to unfold it.

And there she saw a keycard and a key with a rather strange design.

The keycard had some childish animal/toy like creatures around the card circling a name 'CEO Elliott Ludwig'.

"Wait a moment?"

She expressed aloud

"That was Izuku's Grandfather...why do I have his keycard?"

Now many people know Mei Hatsume and although many of them would call her a lunatic they would also say she's a brilliant genius.

But even she was struggling to figure out what this was supposed to mean.

And a key a faded gold in colour key with a strange design.

She decided to keep them to one side for now and read the letter.

'Come to the factory bring the keycard, key and your plushie with you... all will be explained soon...
Signed Izuku Ludwig Midoriya.'

She was in utter shock.

"Izuku's alive?"

She couldn't help but sigh in relief, at least he's alive she thought.

But before she could jump up from her seat she noticed something else on the letter.

An arrow pointing to the right with the words saying

'Turn letter around'

And with that said she turned it around and saw coordinates and a blood drawn poppy drawing with more blood stains forming words.

'DO NOt BrING hEroS anD KEeP tHe DOLL ClosE'
Mei saw the blood writing and was quite creeped out about what she just read, but if Izuku was in that factory then she needed to go.

Looking at the time on her phone it was nearly 6 pm already school had stopped and it was a Friday so she could go and investigate those coordinates tomorrow but as of right now she was emotionally exhausted for the first time in years and wanted some rest picking up the doll/plushie she got into bed and whispered.

"Goodnight Izu...I'll see you soon"

And with that she slept.

Peacefully unaware she was being watched from afar, deep down below a certain factory.

Something had heard her, holding up a picture of two children one with pink dreadlocks and bright golden crosshairs for eyes and the other a boy with dark forest green hair and two shiny green eyes both with large smiles on their faces.


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