(Y/N)/Venom: "We....Are Venom."
(Y/N) (L/N) Parker was a young man who living in a normal life with his family...he had his aunt, uncle, and little brother Peter...yes, he was in the Earth 65 about he have a normal life and his brother was smarter t...
Kingpin: "W-W-Wait...w-why are you doing this?!?" He said to him and make the bastard who was knock down on the ground and breathing out and he turn his head to look at the black symbiote...the king in black and he is gonna kill him very slowly. When he was grab Kingpin and then he lifting him up from the ground and (Y/N) said.
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(Y/N)/Venom: "Simple! For what we want to kill more of criminals in this world and villains like you both are and we are going to send you all back to the hell where you were belong to" He said to him and stabbed him in the stomach and make the bastard spat bloods out of his mouth and then he was holding something in the chest of this fat motherfucker.
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(Y/N)/Venom: "We are Venom...We are the lethal protector...we are the only one who can make the world was better and not like you...do us a favor....Go to hell." He said to him and then let out a roar at him and begin to killing him slowly.
When (Y/N) was grab the head of Kingpin and he was ripped his head off like brutal and wild animal as hell and then (Y/N) was holding Kingpin's head and after (Y/N) rip Kingpin's head off and then (Y/N) was drop the head to the ground. Then (Y/N) was stood right there and make him is breathing out little bit and then (Y/N) was let out a terrifying huge roar up to the sky right away and make them heard of it.
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(Y/N)/Venom: "*ROAR*"
After the Kingpin's death and that fat bald fuck got what his coming and make (Y/N) drop the head on the ground and then he was breathing and keep breathing out and then he was turn his head to look around for what he did and all the massacres for what he did...and all the dead bodies that he just murdering and it was easy took them all out by himself. Then (Y/N) was look at the window from the building and he could seen there was lot of people down there by themselves and make (Y/N) seen the cops are out there and they both fighting some goons.
(Y/N)/Venom: "Fucking amateurs." He said to himself and make him grab the body of Kingpin and then he was dragging him to the window and then he was throw the body out of window and make the body of Wilson Fisk was drop down on the ground right in front at those goons and the other mercenaries.
The people were screaming and keep screaming out for what they were saw there was dead body of Wilson Fisk over there and make them are scared as hell and they both saw the dead body of Fisk...and it was headless and the body was still there. Then Captain Yuri was surprise for what she saw the body of Wilson Fisk...and then Spiderman had the same thing too and then the two of them were surprise to see body of Fisk.
Yuri: "I-Is that...." She said.
Spiderman: "Yeah...t-t-that's Wilson Fisk." He said to her and make her surprise and then the two of them turn their heads to look up and they saw (Y/N) with his Venom form that he just stood right there and looking down at him.
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(Y/N)/Venom: "Come on then, Spiderman....Come up here right now! We will have a words with you.~" He said to him and make Spiderman was saw him walk inside the room right away and then Spiderman seen this and make him was jumped up from the ground and then he use his web shoot out and make him was begin to swing up there right away and once he was got there right away and what surprises to see him was there.
Peter: "Holy...." He was said in surprise and saw there was a dead bodies...dead bodies all of these gangsters were laying down on the ground and then he was surprise to see the bodies were killed and many shots on their bodies.
Peter: "Is this...w-what you doing?" He asked him.
(Y/N)/Venom: "It is..." He said to him and then he was come out of the darkness and make him was looking at Peter.
Peter: "You kill Kingpin....do you know what that mean-" he tries to said.
(Y/N)/Venom: "It is what we really meant is...end the fat bald fuck and send this asshole to where he belong to...but we did this for the innocent people and protecting the innocent people in this world." He said to him and then the two of them were silent and then (Y/N) said.
(Y/N)/Venom: "Alright, you want to know the truth about us being know you and lot of about you? Alright....here's your answer." He said to Peter and this make Peter was confuse about what (Y/N) said and then he was slowly to transform to his real human form and then Peter was surprise to see the revealed of human form shape figure stood right there and he saw him...he saw him...but the regular of him was different.
He had long black hair and his face same like Peter and this make (Y/N) turn his head to look at Peter and he was smile up and he said.
(Y/N): "Hello, Peter....I think it's time for us to talk right now." He said to him.