when the father is gone, the boy becomes the man of the house
the boy is responsible for protecting the family, for holding open the door, for making sure his sisters do not run into the street
what does the boy do when the criminal comes down the street?
what if the boy is scared? why does not the boy, run away or cry like the mom and the sisters?
it is not time for the boy to be a boy, but a man, and so the boy will protect his family
just because he should
and so the boy will shield his family with his own body, not afraid at all of the gunshot
and if he is scared, no one should notice it
because people will judge this moment later,
people will judge
PoetryAlthough I am not a boy, I wanted to display a boy being broken How he manages sadness when he is not allowed to cry from young A boy must create a shell that protects him from his own emotions But when that shell cracks It creates an intense amount...