What Lies In These Woods

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"Where the hell am I?"

Y/N looked around trying to see his surroundings but he looked to be in the same place he was before, but there was no curse spirit, the trees were still there, and Alex was gone. Y/N takes off his blindfold and tries to search for anyone's or even anything with cursed energy but fails, "I don't sense any curse energy here! How's that possible? Cursed energy is found in practically everything, but here I don't sense even a hint of it, and why do I feel so drained?"

Y/N starts to sluggishly walk deeper into the forest in an attempt to find a way out, but ends up walking in circles slowly gaining some strength back, "I've seen that tree like 3 times now, it's strange. I can't activate any of my techniques right now, it would seem when that spirit opened its domain, it drained most of my cursed energy, how annoying."

Y/N hears something in the trees and notices a faint presence hopping from tree to tree, "I'm being followed, who would even try to follow me? Let's just see where this goes."

Y/N walks for another couple minutes waiting for the stalker to do something but quickly gets impatient and yells out to them while taking off his blindfold "I know your in the trees, you can't escape my sight buddy". A girl in a black hoodie with a blue mask hops out the trees, her mask's eyeholes are black with black streaks coming down from them.

Y/N and the strange woman look at each waiting to see what the other will do, but the hooded girl starts to charge and Y/N starts to ready Blue

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Y/N and the strange woman look at each waiting to see what the other will do, but the hooded girl starts to charge and Y/N starts to ready Blue. The hooded girl stops, trying to be cautious of Y/N's hand sign but nothing happens, Y/N starts to panic a bit, "Damn, I can't even use Blue right now, and I know for a fact my Infinity isn't up either, I don't have enough cursed energy to keep it up, I guess it's old fashion hand to hand, even if I'm not the best at it"

Y/N readies himself as the black hooded girl charges at him ready to attack with a kick to his ribs, Y/N quickly dodges her kick and tries to land one of his own but misses. The two go back and forth for a while unable to hit the other, "Damn I'm giving it my all and it seems she's not going all out, she's testing me, but for what?" Y/N continues to try and dodge her fists and kicks, barely being able to do so. "Her blows are getting faster and seem to be getting stronger, I can't keep up, I never had to fight someone this good at hand to hand combat before, they usually can't touch me, is this how it feels to be powerless?" Y/N get kicked to the floor and is held at knife point, or I guess in this case scalpel point seeing as how she's putting a scalpel to his neck, Y/N puts his hands up the best he can to signal his surrender with a slight fear in his voice, "Okay I get it I lost what do you want?"

The girl only looks at him and Y/N can only see the seemingly soulless eyes on her mask and she slowly moves the scalpel to his abdomen near where his kidneys would be, she slowly lifts is shirt up and lightly pressed the scalpel to his body, she looks at his semi-scared face, she gets up and walks away from him into the fog leaving him in confusion. "What was that for? She's definitely not normal, but she seems to be gone now." Y/N gets up and tries to calm himself down and tries to find shelter because it's slowly becoming night, "I guess we'll see what happens tomorrow, let's hope I never see that woman again, I don't know if I'd survive another encounter with her, especially without my cursed techniques and I liked to not get cut up, let's hope a good nights rest will help my cursed energy come back" Y/N slowly drifts off to sleep, keeping one eye open and out of the blindfold just in case and unfortunately for him he spots someone watching him in the distance from the tree line.

(I hope you enjoyed this, I have so much more planned for this and I'm excited to continue writing, have a good day)

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