My Temporary Home

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I slowly open the door to the inside of the mansion and take off my blindfold, there's no point having it on if there's no cursed energy, and the mansion is a lot more clean and homey than I first thought it would be. As soon as I open the door I see a living room with a couch to the left of me and a huge tv with consoles that I'm unfamiliar with, ahead of me are stairs that branch off and lead into hallways and to my right are more hallways that I assume lead to other rooms, it's much bigger than I thought it would be, Slenda noticed my surprise, "Is there something wrong with the way the mansion looks?"

I shake my head, "No, I just didn't know what to expect I guess".

Slenda can't help but chuckle, "We have a temporary room for you since you aren't apart of the mansion quite yet, but once you do join, you will have your own room to do with as you please, come I'll show you". Slenda quickly walks up the stairs and heads left toward a hallway with 6 doors that seem like to be rooms for the other "tenants".

I try to quickly catch up and I see the name plates on the door on the left it reads Benny, Jane, Jackie. On the right it reads Jane, Angel. The last door is blank. Every door has a cool design, I wish I could look at them more, but I have little time for that at the moment due to Slenda walking so fast.

Slenda goes to the unnamed door and opens it and it has the essentials, a queen bed, bathroom, and cabinets and such for storage, "Hey Slenda, who are the other people living in this mansion? I'm curious if they're like you"

Slenda thinks for a minute then answers, "There are a different variety of girls here, you'll just have to find out when you meet them all"

I look at her with a questioning face, "You meant to say people right?"

Slenda chuckles once again, "Nope, everyone living here besides you of course is a girl, I hope that isn't an issue for you", Slenda now look at me with a smirk on her face, definitely insinuating something.

I try to respond quickly, "N-No, it's completely fine, just unexpected is all"

Slenda can only look at me and agree, "I guess you're right, but moving on, you'll be staying here for the time being, everything is already set up. All you have to do it meet the others"

The realization hit me after hearing Slenda's words, "Right, I have to meet the others, if they're as skillful as that girl I fought I'm in trouble without my cursed techniques", I immediately look at Slenda, remembering she can read minds.

Slenda looks at me with a smile, "Don't worry about meeting the others, they won't try to kill you, but if you provoke them, then I can't say I can do too much after that, but you'll be fine, you seem like an alright person"

I respond to Slenda with a bit of concern, "I forgot you can read minds, it feels almost, violating"

Slenda tries to calm my worries by explaining herself, "I didn't read your mind when I answered, I just assumed that's what you were thinking. Since your technically a member of the mansion, I try to let you have your privacy unless the occasion arises, so don't worry, I won't read your mind, but if you shout your thoughts then I can do much about that"

My brain clicks as I finally understand her mind reading, "So you can choose to read minds? Thank you, I appreciate the privacy"

Slenda pats my shoulder and turns to leave the room, "It's no problem at all, but I must attend to some business, so try to meet the others and again, try not to provoke them, if you are in serious danger, scream my name and I'll come if you need".

Slenda opens the door to leave and I try to ask about one more thing, about the person who recommended me but she cuts me off, "Also dinner is a 6, so in 3 hours try to be aquatinted with everyone before then, good luck Y/N"

Slenda shuts the door and leaves me in my room alone. I decide to sit on my bed and put my blindfold on the dresser next to me, the beds comfy, unlike the ones at Jujutsu High. I lay down and think about my situation a bit more, "So I have barely any cursed energy, maybe enough to keep Infinity for a while, no friends, and have no idea where I am, this sucks", After sitting for about 30 minutes I decide to get up and change out of my uniform. I put on a black compressed shirt with grey pants, some black shoes, and to top it off with a gray hoodie, and leave the room to meet my new roommates in this mansion and the first one is Jackie.

Jackie's door looks like a tree log, but it's a deep dark blue unlike any tree I've seen, but it looks cool. I knock on the door, no response. I knock again, no response, I think to myself that maybe she's out or something, then I hear the door creek open slowly. I don't see her, only a small portion of her brown hair, which reminds me of that girl from earlier, but hopefully I'm wrong, then I see her hand reach past the little opening of the door and she has a note. I grab the note and the door closes shut.

I stare at the door in confusion and open the note, "Sorry, I don't mean to be rude, I'm just busy at the moment, hopefully we can meet later if that's ok?"

I chuckle and answer her question while stuffing the note in my pocket, "It's perfectly fine, go at your own pace, I guess". I walk away from the dark blue door, "I have to be at least somewhat respectful, these people are letting me live here rent free, let's try not to fuck this up, I also don't want to die, so let's be on our best behavior".

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