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Tap. Tap. Tap.

I looked out the window, pushing another book onto the shelf. Rainy days like this in Seoul, I wish I could be in the on campus studio creating a new song. I found that these are the best days I can create anything.

I climbed down the ladder and pushed the empty cart to the side, walking back to the front desk. Working in the library wasn't bad because I love reading and it was one of the places I could find peace but it can be kind of boring when working long hours like today.

I sighed, sitting back at the front desk and crossed my arms. I looked around and noticed there were a lot more people in here than usual. I raised an eyebrow and looked at the date on our calendar.

"Ah shit" I mumbled.

It was midterms this week.

How could I let my mind slip and forget that?

I opened my planner and saw that my first midterm was in two days.

Oh fuck me.

I threw my planner to the side and rested my head on the table. It's only a month into my last year here and I'm already fucking up. I carefully took my hearing aids out and the world went silent. I rested them beside me and put the note I always had prepared in front of me.

As soon as I felt myself about to succumb to the pleasure of sleep. I felt someone tap the desk and I silently groaned. I looked up and my eyes widened.

Were angels real?

This had to be the most beautiful human I have ever in my entire life on this earth.

"Do you know where I can find this book?" He signed, then picked up his phone, showing me the screen.

I almost moved my hands but I froze.

Did he just fucking use sign language?

I quickly put my hearing aids back in. I wanted to hear his voice.

I needed to hear him speak.

"Sorry, I take these out from time to time"

He chucked. "You didn't have to put them back in if you didn't want to"

Oh he's hot.

I looked at his phone again. "I just put that book back up just now. It should be in the history section, third shelf starting from the top"

"Thank you.." he dragged.

"Hongjoong" I rushed.

"Nice to meet you Hongjoong, I'm Seonghwa"

He smiled, bowing a little then walking away.


It was so pretty just like he was.

His slightly overgrown black hair, his lips, his nose, the way his eyes turned into slight crescent moons when he smiled. If I couldn't guess any better, I would say that he's..

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