My brain isn't so kind,
Like I don't want to be stuck with my mind,
I know she isn't going to leave,
But by brain makes the cycle very brief,
'She'll leave,
You'll become her pet peeve,
'She's not going to stay',
But I will pay,
Pay my life just to make sure she stays,
For her love is all I need and that's all she portrays,
All my imperfections,
She never questions,
But I don't understand, why,
Why me when you could have a good piece of pie.I chose you because your special to me,
You mean more than my tree,
The tree in which consoles me,
Consoles me with safety and comfort,
For all my life its been like I've been trapped in a cupboard,
But with you I am whole,
Not like the cupboard which was boring and old,
But that's the joy of suffering,
A certain person comes and you stop buffering,
And you My Dear,
Are the person who saved me from what I fear,
I hope you hold my heart close and don't let go,
Because for you, love is the only thing I can show.She says that but I'm confused,
I have been left bruised,
Abused by not the words but the thought,
Just let me be and stop haunting me I'm not yours to haunt,
'Hold my heart close and don't let go'
I shall forever hold it with care,
And I will never put you in despair.