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~Aster Arcadia~

"Kids, we need to tell you something." Aster says, as he opens the doors to their home.

"Why Papa? What happened?" Starla asks, as she drags Comet behind her. "Sit down on the couch, your father will tell you." Aster replies, smiling, as he goes into a room.

"Okay then! Come on Comet!" Starla exclaims, still dragging her brother behind her.

Ren grabs a chair and sits in front of Comet and Starla. "So.. Kids." Ren speaks, as he frowns.

"I.. Have to leave.. For a very long time." Ren says, as Starla looks at him puzzled.

"Daddy..? What do you mean?" Starla asks, clenching her fist. Comet looks at his dad, understanding of what Ren will say next.

"Son, I know from your face, that you know what will happen next." Ren says, bringing Comet over to him, as he ruffles his hair.

Then, Starla starts to tear up, meaning that she understood too. "Starla, come here." Ren says, as she embraced her father.

Aster watches from the room, as he gets Ren's bag, and places it near the table.

Aster then goes over to his family, as he hugs tightly.

TIMESKIP: It is the next day, and Ren is about to leave, from a spaceship sent from his planet.

"Daddy? When will you be back?" Starla asks, as Ren kisses her head. "As soon as I can. So I can get back to all three of you." Ren states.

He then hugs Comet, and kisses his head as well. "Protect your sister and Papa for me, okay?" Ren whispers for Comet to only here.

"My love.." Ren says, hugging Aster tight. He then lets go, as Aster brings his face to his, and kisses Ren. Ren returns it, until an alien comes out of the ship.

"Your majesty, we must leave now." the alien says, ruining the MOMENT. 😭

"I will be back, my beautiful husband and children. I promise you." Ren states as he waves goodbye.

Aster, Comet, and Starla wave back, as the spaceship leaves, without a trace.

"Kids, lets go back inside. I will make food for you." Aster says, as the 2 run inside. 'When will you come back..?' Aster thought, as he steps through the front door.

ANOTHER TIMESKIP: 2 days later

A sudden knock was heard on the door, of Aster's home. "I'll get the door!" Starla says, looking through the window to see who it is.

"Papa! Auntie Scarle, Auntie Aia, Auntie Maria, Uncle Kyo, and Sai is here!" Starla exclaims, as she opens the door.

"Hey honey bun!" Scarle says, hugging Starla, as the door opens. "Hey kiddo, is your Papa here?" Kyo asks.

"Yep! He's on the couch, watching a movie with Comet!" Starla replies, pointing to the couch.

"Sai!" Starla hugs her cousin. "Starla!" Sai says, hugging Starla back.

"Hey Aster, we heard what happened with Ren.. Is there anything that you need us to do for you?" Maria asks, Aster, sitting next to him.

"I don't even know anymore. I feel 2 things. Sad, and mad." Aster replies, looking gloomy.

"Lets talk in your room, we wouldn't want the kids to hear our conversation." Aia says, taking Aster's hand and leading him to his room.

While the others follow, the 3 kids are left alone in the living room. "Whatcha watching Comet?" Sai asks, ruffling his hair.

Comet takes the remote, as he pauses the movie, and points to the title. "The Demon Hungers? Wasn't that made by.. VOX AKUMA?!" Sai exclaims.

"Oh! I have always wanted to watch this! But mom wouldn't let me." Sai pouts.

"We can restart it if you like!" Starla suggests, as Comet nods in agreement.

"Yes please!" Sai says with excitement. "Alrighty then!" Starla smiles, as Comet rewinds the movie.

The 3 watched the movie, as they waited for the adults to finish talking.

TIMESKIP: Scarle and the others left Aster's house. But they let Sai stay to watch the movie.

"Uncle Aster?" Sai asks. Aster hums in response. "When will you drive me home?" Sai says, turning his head to Aster.

"Right after the movie, unless if you want to play with Starla and Comet more. I will tell your mom, so she knows." Aster replies, smiling.

"Oh okay! But I don't think I should stay that long.. I need to study for my test this week." Sai explains, as Aster nodded.


~Starla and Comet~

"Bye Papa! See you later!" Starla says to Aster. Comet waves back, as Aster smiles. Starla and Comet kept waving, until Aster was out of sight.

"Come on Comet! We have to hurry before the bell rings!" Starla exclaims, grabbing her brothers hand, and running.

The bell rings, as Starla and Comet sit down in their chairs.

School, has started.

"Good morning class!" Ms. Kosaka says, as the students reply back. "Let us start with the homework review. Do any of you have any questions for me?" Ms. Kosaka asks, as 1 hand was raised.

"Yes, Ezo? Is it a question, or a comment?" Ms. Kosaka says. "Um.. A comment.. My mama and mom said that you were once their friend, is that true?" Ezo asks.

"Ah, Elira and Pomu! Pomu, was honestly the devil. But Elira, she was a very caring person." Ms. Kosaka smiles.

"We had a very large friend group. I was basically the mother of the group." Ms. Kosaka said.

"Like you are a mother to us?" Starla asks. "Yes, Starla! Very good. And your father was quite a flirt with his husband. A little bit yandere vibes, but we loved him anyway." Ms. Kosaka laughs.

"Oh my.. My apologies! We are supposed to be going over the homework! You all can talk to me about your parents, later!" Ms. Kosaka stops.

"Any questions before we move on?" Ms. Kosaka asks again. No one raised their hand.

"Alrighty then! Let's get on with the lesson. Shall we?" Ms. Kosaka said, with a grin.

"We shall!" The students replied, as they get on with the school day.

1014 Words!

New chapter, woohoo!!!

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