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Here is what u missed on the rookie

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Here is what u missed on the rookie

Jessica was pissed no one told her that her own brother got shot she didn't even get a call.  She got that she was on patrol but a little notice would of gone well but no she had to have a call of Lucy saying that there was a shooting with their suspect shelby and her brother got shot.

Jess and Nolan are now dating ever since their first hookeup they tried to keep it a secret but Lucy and Jackson ended up finding out because they were haveing a date on the beach when Jackson and Lucy caught them.


Jessica was cooking breakfast in only a oversized tee-shirt when she hears her bedroom door open than close she turns to see Nolan standing in the door frame of the kitchen.

"Morning sleepy head" she says while teasing him.

"Morning how long u been awake I didn't feel u get out of bed" John says his voice was deep as for only waking up

"Only a hour or 2 I couldnt sleep so I thought that I should make u breakfast" she says while walking up to John and wrapping her arms around his neck.

"You could of woke me up I would of helped you with the cooking" John says while kissing jessica

"You looked so peaceful almost like sleeping beauty" she says while laughing as she walks back to the stove.

She walks out the kitchen and onto the backyard patio and places two places the plates on the table.

"Are you coming or what your breakfast will get cold" she says while sitting down on the chair.

She looked at him for a while and than looked in front of Her Jess loved eating her breakfast outback because the view is amazing and plus she gets to relax before she has to go to the station.

"I'm coming" he says while sitting down next to Jess
"Why didn't we go out for breakfast" he says while taking a drink out of coffee

"Well if anyone from the station found out about us than we would be fucked and I think we both want a job" she says while looking at him hoping he understands.

He nods " well I'm not saying this view isn't amazing but you should see the veiw at the house I'm staying at it might be better than this veiw" he says the last part in a teasing tone

They finish eating their breakfast and start to get ready for their shift

At the station

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