chapter 1

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"Hells top hits a new demon climbs the rank"

"A worker at lulu world blowing up over night?"

"Demons say he's the next big thing"

"Nights big hit a clown at lulu world more popular then mammon demons say."

"What! More popular then me!" Mammon said looking at the news article on his phone. He clicked on one of the videos provided in the news article.

"Let's see what this is all about.."


The stage was dark as music began playing and singing started as glowing eyes appeared.

"There's only two types of people in the world" the voice sung as the neon lights spin in circles to the stage to the crowd showing slight glimpse of his body.

"The ones that entertain," the lights clicked to the crowd. "and the ones that observe."

His body lit up in neon lights in different places moving like a dance as he moved round the stage.

"Well, baby, I'm a put-on-a-show kinda boy~" he said covering his face with his hands turning it to the side as the lights turned on in flickers before turning off again. Then repeating. "Don't like the backseat, gotta be first."

"I'm like the ringleader, I call the shots (Call the shots)" he sung turning his back to the crowd as the lights flicked again showing him.

"I'm like a firecracker," he said as fire on each side of the stage lighting it completely "I make it hot!"

"When I put on a show~" he said turning his head towards the crowd slightly.

"I feel the adrenaline movin' through my veins." He said as his veins seemed to light up in neon lights.

"Spotlight on me and I'm ready to break.."

The spot lights fell to the middle of the stage were he was standing.

"I'm like a performer, the dance floor is my stage!" He said dancing round more. "Better be ready, hope that you feel the same"

The neon light started flashing again as he started to do all kinds of tricks. "All eyes on me in the center of the ring." He said standing on a group of circus balancing on the.

"Just like a circus~" he said jumping off the balls in the air on a type rope.

"When I crack that whip, everybody gon' trip," he said doing a few trick before jumping down landing near the crowd on the stage. "Just like a circus"

Don't stand there watchin' me," he grinned at a the kids, teens, and adults in the crowd doing a few easy dance moves. "follow me
Show me what you can do

Everybody let go, we can make a dance floor

Just like a circus!"


Mammon paused the video "that's not even THAT good!" He said looking him up. "M/n l/n 7 sins photo shoot?" He went through the photos before landing on his own sin. He stared t it for a while before grinning devilishly.

Oh what a brilliant idea.

As always my grammar is shit, my English is shit my story's te for ahit and giggles.

And no I don't care that I made this as soon s the episode dropped.

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