{Sweat Cat}

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"Why are you here at school" Teru was a bit taken aback by the boy's questions and teru then responded "I was just about to leave, Do you have a name?" The boy thought for a moment and He tensed up a bit and replied "Akane Aoi, First year and part of the student council" Teru knew the boy was lying For one he hadn't seen Anyone with that name or looks at the student council nor at school but teru plays alone and He replied "Oh? Hm are you new, I haven't seen you at school" Akane started to become tense and was fidgeting with his hands and He responded "Yea you could say I'm new and I just joined the student council so you probably haven't seen me" Teru nodded Akane had a good excuse but He was lying but before teru could reply Akane interrupted him "Are you okay? You zoned out earlier and You seemed worried about something so is everything okay?" Teru was a bit confused and taken aback but he nods and replies "Yes I am fine I was just thinking about what I was having for dinner" Akane nodded and teru was glad Akane could be convinced but Teru then asks "Aoi Why are you in the student council room anyway I lock that door every time I leave and no one else has the key so how did you get in?" Akane froze and he become Tense He was trying to explain yet his everything was confusing and He was stuttering "I-I wait No-What d-do you mean Bh being in the student council room I-No I wasn't in the room" Teru looks over at the door that was wide open and sigh and his tone was a bit more stern lanced with gentleness "Aoi If you didn't go in the council room why is it open?" Akane stayed silent not sure how to respond and he was sweating a bit but Teru notices Akane pupils were moving the two lines moving like a clock and that's all teru needed to see to know Akane was a supernatural and teru rested his hand on the handle of his Sword as his gentle smile went away and his eyes turned into a harsh glare, Akane didn't suspect anything he assumed Teru was just a normal student who had some questions yet Akane couldn't be far from the truth yet It was too late for Akane as tero soon spoke "well hello Supernatural Number 1 the clock keeper, I would assume your the one who has been sneaking around the school all this time, I wonder what is it you do with the people you capture, Ah yes now I remember you take time away from there life Am I correct?" Akane froze he was caught and he took a step back as he then replied "Y-you caught me but I promise I won't hurt the girl Hanako will kill me if I did I promise I didn't take years away It's just I panicked and thought she would tell everyone-" Akane was cut off by teru who had cut his neck a bit not enough to kill Akane but it was just a small nick a warning and Akane stayed silent as teru then says "You are going to bring Yashiro nene back and if you do that...sigh I will let you go however You have to be under my supervision" Akane was Taken aback but he nodded—————Next day Akane was in the council room he had transformed into his supernatural form as his hair was longer and messy and His wore a magenta button up shirt with black pants and black boots reaching his Knees also a pair of Black gloves and a Dark Blue cloak and with a hood, He was listening to teru tell him the rules of what do to now that Akane aoi was under teru supervision "Number one Don't interact with too many students because some of the students here will figure out who you are in a weak and we can't have that Next rule is you have to come to every student council meeting and advent So I can keep a eye on you-" Akane zoned Teru out Akane laid his head on the desk as he fell asleep and Teru simply watched as he sighs and stops talking for Akane can sleep as Teru walks over and just watches him. Teru was a bit curious about Aoi's hair It was pretty long and messy so Tero grabbed his bag and Grabbed a hairbrush he always had with him so He could at least try to look nice and Teru brushed Akane hair due to boredom The fizziness was gone and Teru knew Akane was awake but Teru just continued brushing Akane's hair and put it in a low ponytail and Teru was proud of himself and he smiles and says"Done! Now you don't have such messy hair and It's out of your way" Akane sighs he wasn't gonna say it out loud yet he liked when Teru brushed his hair as it had been a long time since someone had ever done that to him before and he says"It's not bad it'll do for now but thank you I guess" Teru heard that and Nodded and replied" It's not bad huh I thought I did a great job but I guess your opinion does matter as well" Teru then pats Akane head liking the softness of his hair and teru genuinely smiled not having a fake one yet Akane glared at teru and Teru lifted his hand putting it back on his lap since it was clear Akane didn't like it and Teru didn't want to make Akane uncomfortable then Akane pointed to a picture of Teru and his two younger siblings and Asked "Who are those two in that picture with you?"———————{Thats where I will be ending this chapter for now but Let's answer some questions I think you might have but you can always ask me in the comments} 1-what changed from the original story to My AU? What changed was Akane actually died long before Hanako But for the time Akane was just a ghost wondering the school ground until he met the clock keepers who had made him a deal They will have Akane be alive again if He promised to be a clock keeper for as long as they live and he agreed.2-Is akane traumatized and if so what happened? Yes Akane does have Trauma and we will get to what happened in chapter five but I will drop hints so here is one...Once a year I visit my mother..there's your hint try and think

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