Chapter 22

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Regina had never been one to elaborately celebrate Christmas, but now that Emma had invited her over for a party, she couldn't refuse.

Over the past couple of months, she'd started to really tolerate Emma. All hesitation regarding her feelings had faded, Emma had become a true friend. Nothing more, nothing less and it was just the way it should be.

"So, I tackled the guy, arrested him and I was the only guy who'd been able to crack this case." Regina had forgotten the name of the man that was speaking to her, but she plastered a fake smile on her lips. It didn't sound very impressive, it sounded as if the man had done his job the way he should have, he'd achieved bare minimum.

In general, the people she'd spoken to had been very nice. This man had been an old colleague of Emma and he was filled with pride, but the other cops were more realistic. Regina liked getting to know other friends of Emma's, so far she'd only met Ruby and Belle, because they lived in Storybrooke, but for this Christmas party, Emma had invited her entire address book, so it seemed.

Her apartment was filled with people, all half drunk, some making out and it almost felt as if she was back at a High School party again. The only thing missing was Emma thrusting a porn star martini in her hand.

Suddenly, she felt someone bump into her and put something in her right hand. Liquid spilled onto her fist. "Wha..." before Regina could finish her sentence, she saw Emma's blonde hairdo disappear behind a couple of unfamiliar faces. "Excuse me," she said, to the man who wasn't paying as much attention to her anymore.

She followed Emma and bumped into multiple people until she finally ended up in Emma's bathroom. "Wow, a bathroom, that's new," Regina said as she sipped her martini with a smirk.


"It was a joke." Regina looked at Emma who seemed a bit off. "Because we used to do it whenever you handed me a pornstar martini and we never did it in someone else's.. you know, it doesn't matter. Why'd you get me here?"

Emma looked awkward and Regina had no idea what was going on. So far, Emma had seemed to be having a good time at her party. Whenever Regina looked at her friend, she'd seen her laughing and smiling, but now she looked serious.

"Jack asked me to give him your number," Emma said. "Is that okay?"

Regina looked surprised. Of all the things she'd guessed Emma would say, this wasn't it. "Is that the hot one I talked to, with the blue shirt?"

"Yes, I met him at the police academy."

"Oh, you can absolutely give him my number." Regina sipped some more of her drink and leaned closer to Emma. "I've been going through a bit of a dry spell, so this is exactly what I needed."

The expression on Emma's face was indecipherable. Regina didn't know why Emma had been so awkward before asking her this question and she still didn't understand why Emma didn't look happy. Friends wanted their friends to get laid, right? Regina found that was where most of the tea came from.

"What's wrong?" she asked when Emma didn't move a muscle to get out of the bathroom.


"Yes, there is. Tell me. Is there something wrong with Jack? Should I not want him to get my number?"

"No, he's a really great guy, very funny and good looking."

"Are you.. into him? Is that why you're acting this way?" Suddenly all pieces fell into place. Clearly, Emma had felt obligated to tell, but she'd hoped the answer would be for her not to give the number, because she liked Jack. It all made sense to Regina.

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