Chapter 4

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After a little time that seemed like a long time Stefan decided I no longer was in danger, for he took a seat on the largest couch ever, right next to Bonnie and relaxed his overly tensed body. Elena was looking at me with apologetic eyes, again this got me confused "What?!" I ask totally forgetting good manners, and forgetting to thank her for protecting me so fiercely.
"I'm sorry" she says, still keeping the look "...for what he said. It's just, that's how he acts with everybody in the begging--" I'll lighten the mood again, just like it was before he stepped in. I don't like all this gloominess.
"Are you trying to tell me that there will come a glorious, blessed day when that shady creep won't try to strangle me?!" I say with a fake surprise and a genuine smile.
They smile, and that means team El succeedes once again.
"So..." says the Blondie looking towards Stefan "care to tell us what happened Stefan?"
Stefan looks at me instead of her and I understand that he's telling me that it's my call to tell the story or not.
"Ummm...I know you probably want to know all there is to me and why I am here, but right now I am so tired, I haven't been this tired since—"I almost take it too far "anyway I am 16, I look 13 but whatever. I was having my heart replaced with an indestructible piece of metal because my real heart was kinda lazy. I was losing a lot of blood so I needed transfusion DUH" I pause a little to get a more dramatic effect than necessary "They accidentally put vampire blood in my system, causing me to wake up in the ICU as a vampire. The reason why you hear almost normal heartbeats" I turned to look at Blondie, because she was the one to whom I owed this stupid explanation the most "is because there is a pump inside me that was supposed to look and sound as normal as something fake can sound" I never knew I'd be telling this story, but I did, now actually twice in 3 hours. I smile at Stefan and I look at the others, turns out Elena after all did know my story because while everyone else is shocked she is simply sad and teary. I can't stand tears yet, so I look down and ask where I was going to sleep. They fixed me a room, no, they fixed me a whole thingy with a bathroom in it and a balcony and another smaller room inside that was filled only with hangers and a big mirror.
"My" room alone was probably bigger than half of my house. I crashed immediately.
That was the best sleep I'd gotten my entire life. I slept for a long, long time without waking up once. I don't think I even moved an inch the entire night, I woke up in the same position I'd laid down. It was a dreamless kind of sleep, relaxing and comforting, for the first time in my 16 years I understood why people love sleep so much. If that's what they experienced, no wonder they struggle to get out of bed. When I woke up it was still noon so I just kept laying on the huge bed wondering if it was worth it to get up and answer questions again. It wasn't, but I was hungry, not thirsty—I was hungry. This 'morning' is definitely the most normal one of my life. Before, I couldn't sleep because of the medicine, or I couldn't wake up because of the medicine, that never felt comforting, to be honest it felt as if I was just being prepared for what death would be like. Then when I became a vampire, I had to sleep during daytime and that was a big problem, even if I did manage to fall asleep, nightmares, the noises on the streets, the pungency of the cheap motel room would wake me up about 6 times during the "night". I got out of bed, put my jeans on and headed downstairs.
The area where everyone had been sitting yesterday was now empty, the hallway from the staircase to the couches was empty too. To be honest I had not seen any other part of the house and I wasn't planning to go on an exploration trip on my own. I did know how to get out though, I went to the huge door and opened it, I guess you could say I have some really dumb moments sometimes. The sun was still up and had I not been wearing my sneakers my foot might as well be as good as ash. I rushed back inside, pissed off at myself, but then, how was I really supposed to know it wasn't nighttime, the curtains were all down and had I not been a vampire myself I would have been scared to death. I swear I tried my best to stick my butt to that couch, I told myself that even if everyone had gone out, they'd be back. But I am me and I couldn't last more than 45 minutes, I decided to go for a stroll, the worst that could happen was running into the shady dude who'd said I could stay here after all, the best that could happen was probably finding a fridge.
I walked the opposite direction of the door, there was a dark corridor that led to two directions, I went left, the corridor ended with a pair of stairs that led somewhere underground I guessed, I turned around and walked to the other direction, it led to something less creepy, a well-lit living room with a big fire place that took almost all my attention. I say almost because the other thing that took my attention was a silhouette, actually make that two. I turned to leave, because firstly, the silhouettes were kissing really loudly, and secondly, if I set foot inside that room I'd become ash before I could even say 'peeping-tom'.
I almost made it to the threshold when Stefan said "Hey"
"Hey back" I told him, why had I not rushed faster, it would have saved me from my misery "Stefan I—I'm so, so sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt. Or errr—I'm just hungry" Elena rushed towards us with a shy smile and messy hair "Good morning" she told me "slept well?" Her daily routine is to make out with a vampire and then say good morning to another, and I complained about having to walk around with a suitcase for the rest of my life?!
"Good morning" I smile back at her positive attitude "that actually was the best night's sleep in a long, long time" I tell her.
"Listen, Tatiana" Stefan has that serious look going on again "we do not feed on the locals, I to be honest don't feed on humans at all, but you—" darn it, I knew I'd get misunderstood
"I umm...that's actually not what I meant, Stefan. I am hungry as in hungry for pizza, not—not blood.
I don't feed out of humans, I never could even bring myself to try it" I can't help shuddering at the idea "I use blood bags, and I try to keep that on a minimum too. I was just trying to find the fridge, you guys, what were you thinking that I'd put you through a fight with your brother and then eat your friends?!" I am actually a bit hurt.
"No, I just, no... I saw you with the waitress the other day, I don't think you'd harm my friends, I actually was going to get to the part where I tell you that the whole town is supplied with vervain, and that if you as much as put a drop of blood in your mouth you would expose yourself to the concil, but you were too hungry to let me finish I guess" he shrugs and smiles to show me that he wasn't being mean. I barely noticed that, 'cause I was too busy trying not to drop my mouth on the floor. EXPOSE myself?! To the council?! What the hell is this town?! Freakyville?! I clear my throat and pray for the words to flow freely out of my mouth
"Well, in that case, thank you, I guess" I turn to leave, trying to let the risk of exposure sink in.
  "They don't own a fridge" Elena shouts to her.
"What?!" she's got her mind someplace else, but Elena knows that, in fact that's why she's running towards her.
"You mentioned pizza, Tatiana, and they don't have pizza here, or anything else for that matter so... let's order pizza" the look on Elena's face made me realize that bringing that kid home was a good decision. Her face lightened up, her eyes squinted and her grin huge, I don't think I've met that Elena in a long time. The Elena who is still exited and who looks forward to the future.
"Nah, it's fine. I think I'll just...just...just make disappear somewhere for a couple of hours. Again you guys, sorry for interrupting" maybe telling her about exposure risk wasn't the best idea.
"No,no, oh c'mon. I really want to get to know you. You seem like a cool person. I'm actually halfway in falling in love with you, for how you handled Damon...and I'm STARVING" Elena had her pouty face on, the one that I can't turn down... and apparently we just became two persons who can't turn pouty Elena down.
The kid smiled ear-to-ear at her "Okay, but only if we can have some ice-tea to go with it. Oh and umm you're paying I don't really have any money with me" she says shrugging.
"You got it" says Elena cheerfully already rummaging for her phone. "Stefan should I call Bonnie, Caroline and Matt so we can gather around and have some fun. We never did something like this and I feel like this is exactly what will happen. Or shall I just let us three be and get to know her like I said I was going to" her cheerfulness now replaced with a very kissable frown on her forehead.
"It is your call love, you can have whatever you want" I tell her touching her cheek.
"Yeah but I am really caught up in the middle, please just pick one, because I don't think I can ever decide...and it's pissing me off" she is worrying over what she wants to do on a Saturday night...I feel this rush of joy and happiness fill up my body.
"Let's have a party then, you two will have plenty of time to cover up life milestones some other day, she's not going anywhere. And we haven't had a party since--well since never, we've never had a party"
She's bouncing like a little child around the room talking on the phone and hugging and kissing me every time she's close enough.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18, 2015 ⏰

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