Chapter 4/5• Annoyance And Preparations

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Ciel Phantomhive looked out of his rainy soaked window of his study.
To be truthful, he felt like he was missing an arm without his butler with him.

Tanaka had taken over Sebastian's job.

In Ciel's hand, he held a crumpled letter. He was invited to a ball, and he was downright nervous about it.
What if she didn't like him? What if though, she did indeed want to be his Fiance. Thousands of questions and worries engulfed his mind, making him feel sick to his stomach.

Why, Do you ask, did he want to marry a girl he'd never met before?
Because, his head had been filled with the rumors and talk of the court about her.

Ciel had been itching to meet her, but once he'd been free of work, he'd froze, doubting himself. That doubt made him send his Butler in his place. The butler was so excellent, he'd figured that he'd have won her heart for him.

Ciel was cold and stiff, how in the world would he have won her heart by himself?
That's what he thought at least.


"Arthur! Do you need help?" Asked (Y/N), running to the side of the family butler.
He scanned the walls, filled with decorations.
With a approving sigh, he looked back at her, shaking his head. "No, I don't Lady (Y/N)."

He'd given up years ago to deny her. She loved to help him for some strange reason.

"Lady (Y/N)?"
She turned to see Sebastian beside her, even though she hadn't heard him come.

"Oh, Yes?"
"A guest has arrived early."
"Early? The ball is in seven hours! That's very early." She said to herself, following him to the foyer.

A blond haired boy sat, lounging on one of the chairs, a black haired butler beside him.
His icy cold eyes found hers instantly and he gave her a predatory look.

Sebastian could hear her gulp, knowing that this young boy unnerved her.
"Hello. Who might you be?"
The boy stood, walking over to her and gripping her hand tightly.

He raised it to his lips, kissing her hand.
Sebastian's eyes turned pinkish red as he saw that the boy had left a pin prick of a hickey on her hand.

Noticing it, her cheeks turned pink and her hand quickly went behind her dress.
It took all of Sebastian's self control to not throttle him as he smirked at her. "I am Earl Alois Trancy, it's a pleasure to finally meet you."

"I'm afraid your quite early, why not come back once the party had started?" she asked, her eyes narrowed. (Y/N) clearly disliked him.
"No no, I'd rather stay here and skip the bother of coming back." He chuckled. He seemed sweet, however, there was an underlying sense of utter evil about him.

"Claude! Let's go out to the gardens, I saw some swans." He said loudly, waving for his butler to follow him.
The butler followed silently.

Sebastian looked down to find (Y/N) glaring after him. "Who does he think he is, practically waltzing into my home, then going into my garden without permission!" She seethed, rubbing at the mark on her hand.

However, she was interrupted by Sebastian taking hold of her hand firmly, looking intently at her.
"I'd advise you not to chose him as your Fiance Lady (Y/N), not because of my master, but for your well being."

"How did you..."
"I'm terribly sorry for not mentioning, but I overheard some parts of your conversation yesterday. Sebastian said, lowering his head.

His red eyes looked upwards at her when he felt her warm hands on his cheek.
"No, It;s alright. thank you for being worried. I highly doubt that I'll be the Fiance of..."
(Y/N) shot a glance at the door he'd gone out of. "that fustilug."

A low chuckle emitted from Sebastian's throat and she felt his fingers graze her waist, before he pulled away quickly.
(Y/N) looked up at him curiously, but he just straightened his tie.

Something deep in her heart made her wish that he'd kept his hand there.
What were these feelings she was feeling recently...

Authors Note: Fustilug: An Ill mannered Person.


"There are only two people who exist in this world, those who steal,
and those who are stolen from."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17, 2015 ⏰

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