Chapter 4

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Hailkit seethed as she stood at the entrance to the nursery and watched as Stormstar led Scarletkit towards the thorn tunnel. The gray she-kit kneaded her claws in and out of the frosty ground as Scarletkit bounced excitedly around the large black tom. A swift, stern look from Stormstar put an end to Scarletkit's excited movements, and she gave her red pelt a small shake to compose herself. Hailkit couldn't help but let out a small mrrow of amusement at the reprimand. I already learned not to behave like a kit when I leave camp. Now she's got to learn.

            As the two cats disappeared into the tunnel exit, Hailkit growled lightly to herself. She still hadn't forgiven herself for not standing up to Brackenpaw, but she also felt frustration at her smaller sister always putting her nose into her business.

            "Hailkit, are you okay?" Moonfeather called from the other side of the den. "I can hear you growling all the way over here."

            "I'm fine," the kit lied. With one last rueful glance out of the nursery, Hailkit turned around and stomped back towards her mother, carefully picking her way past Willowflight and her trio of kits. She flopped down into her mossy nest next to Moonfeather with a heavy sigh and rested her chin on her paws.

            Moonfeather leaned over and licked Hailkit's ear affectionately. "I know you're upset that you must stay here today but think about how your sister has felt the past moon. She's had to watch you leave every morning and stay behind."

            Hailkit huffed in response and sank lower into her nest. "Stormstar said she wasn't big enough to leave camp then."

            "Even if that were true, it still doesn't feel good to be left behind, does it?"

            "I guess not..." Hailkit mumbled. Suddenly she remembered the first time that Stormstar had offered to take her out onto the moor. She remembered her mingled sense of enthusiasm and fear of the unknown, but Hailkit also remembered the look on Scarletkit's face when she realized she wasn't invited to come along. The small red she-kit had looked as if claws had pierced her heart, her yellow eyes flooded with hurt. Is that how she's felt the whole time? Hailkit wondered miserably.

            Uncomfortable with the guilt that began to worm its way into her heart, Hailkit shook her head to clear the memory away. She wasn't going to let herself feel sorry for her sister when she knew full well that she could handle herself far better out on the moor than Scarletkit could. Instead, Hailkit forced herself to close her eyes and try to fall back asleep. Eventually, Hailkit's resentment faded away and she drifted off into unconsciousness.

            A small shaft of sunlight that had worked its way through the roof of the nursery roused Hailkit from her sleep. Blurry-eyed, the gray she-kit sat up and noticed with a start that the nursery was empty. But the immediate sound of squealing and play-fighting told Hailkit that everyone must be outside. As she stood up and began padding towards the den entrance, a new sharp smell hit Hailkit's nostrils. It was similar to how the clearing would smell after a frost, but even more crisp and fresh than that. Skirting the protective brambles, Hailkit stopped and looked around the camp in wonder. A thin, white coating covered the clearing and blew around loosely in the gentle breeze. Although the grass was still visible underneath, the camp had been transformed by the white blowing powder which made it seem brighter.

            As Hailkit went to take her first step out into the open, she was intercepted by Cavekit and Stripekit bowling over each other and landing at her paws. Stripekit sprang off her brother and immediately spun around to face him. Her boldly striped tail wiggled wildly as she flicked her paw and threw some of the white powder at Cavekit. It hit square in his face, and he jumped back and yowled with surprise. His eyes glowed with mischief as he shook it off and charged back towards Stripekit. "I'll get you for that!" he yelled as she sprang away and took off towards the clearing.

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