• Hunger •

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"Guys! I found some food here, it's barely anything but enough to last all of us a few days." yelled Min-jun in absolute excitement, it had been 2 days since any of them had anything. The first day most of them were fine, until about midday where their energy crashed and they all just talked occasionally to cure their boredom.

They all (except Si-woo) crowded the younger crowd and pulled out a few bags of food. A few minutes passed on them just crunching on the food, relishing in the bit of enjoyment they had left, it was going to be a long 2 weeks.

"Hey... Are you hungry?" Yejun asked softly as the other boys looked away, they didn't want to associate themselves with him. The boy didn't answer, Yejun just gave in and returned back to the crowd.

A few hours later Seojun, Joon Woo and Min-jun curled against each other, and Yejun curled up with Ha-joon and Ji-ho. The kid just backed further into the corner trying to find warmth against the cabinet, his body paled to an extraordinary level of white, and was dangerously close to passing out. 

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