• Lash Out •

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"The whole time... he was in pain -no wonder...I would be pi**ed too, how..." Joon Woo finished, but his thoughts left him in wonder.

"It's cold here, plus we need to sleep. Come on, let's go back. Can you carry him? I doubt he can carry himself, he's not even conscious." asked Man-shik standing up and brushing dust off his black jeans.

"Yeah. Sure." Joon Woo stood up, and leaned the younger wolf on to his back, and held on to him. Woah... he was so light.

"What -What happened is he really heavy?" Man-shik asked sarcastically, seeing the expression on Joon Woo's face.

"No...It's not that. He's really light, worse than Yejun." Joon Woo said, his face was worried. Man-shik's face changed.

"Wait, put him down. I want to check something." Man-shik asked, and Joon Woo gently slid the boy down, and held him around his waist, letting him slowly make his way to the floor.

Man-shik crouched next to the small boy, his eyes worried. He began slowly lifting the kid's shirt. Just then the kid blinked his eyes open and stared around for a second in panic, he jumped back against the wall in surprise.

"What the he** Are you doing it?! Get OFF ME." he half-screamed half yelled. He pushed his back against the wall, wincing as he did so trying to create distance between him and the 2 alphas.

"Calm down, don't stress yourself out, you're still injured." Joon Woo said his voice was a little colder, taken aback by the wolf's less than warm response. He was still worried for the injured young wolf, what were those bruises?

" Are you okay?" Man-shik asked as he edged close to Si-woo.

"None of your business. Leave me the he** alone, you je**s!" Si-woo snarled, baring his teeth.

"Woah. Chill out, you're in pain right now, calm down. We were just trying to help!" Joon Woo said, confused by the sudden change in behavior, he was on the verge of tears before, now he's screaming his head off. 

"YEAH! 'Help' my foot, just leave me alone." the kid said again his head was starting to ache and his eyes watered, he was tired.

He tried to stand up, stumbled a little, the other wolves immediately moved to help. He glared at them and slowly made his way toward the closet. He struggled immensely, his body sort of dragged itself along. He was weak right now, the weakest he'd ever been.

The 4 wolves immediately watched as the young wolf dragged himself inside the room, visible fine, but he was acting all though he had just ran miles. They watched curiously as he walked past them and settled himself in the corner, distancing himself as much as possible and he ducked his head in his knees.

"What happened?" Min-jun whispered as the two alphas walked through the door, his gaze half wavered toward the young wolf in the corner.

"I honestly have no idea, he was really injured, unconscious, when he just suddenly," Joon Woo sighed, "I don't know.". Joon Woo said he was exhausted he slouched against the wall, his head tilted to the side.

"How injured?" whispered Yejun he was visibly worried, his eyes never leaving the brown-haired boy in the corner.

"I don't know how it happened, but his leg had a huge cut on it." Man-shik whispered, the 4 other boys looked shocked.

"Is that why he- you know. Is that why he was so distant?" Ha-joon said his expression was unreadable.

"That's what I thought, but it might just be because he's a jerk. Though it definitely was partly because he didn't move. Is he you know... awake?" Man-shik asked his eyes not to meet Si-woo's body.

"Yeah... I think. He was all sweaty and out of breath, he looked like just dragge- Wait. Why?" Min-jun asked as he edged closer to Man-shik, his eyes wide.

"No-Nothing." Man-shik replied shortly. 

"Whatever. It's getting late. We should all get some rest." Man-shik said yawning, he stretched and relaxed his body and leaned against a mat.

"For what? It's not like we're doing something?" Min-jun asked, annoyed.

"So you can have the energy to play against me and Joon Woo tomorrow, without cheating." Ha-joon teased Min-jun.

"We did not cheat! You're just jealous that you aren't as good as us!" Min-jun defended, though the tension wasn't serious, more playful. The mock argument between Yejun, Min-jun and Ha-joon continued as it grew steadily louder.

"IF YOU DON'T SHUT UP. NONE OF YOU WILL BE ABLE TO STAND UP TOMORROW. WHEN I FINISH KICKING YOUR BUTTS!" Joon Woo yelled, causing all 3 two to sit down and quietly get ready to sleep, occasionally sticking their tongue out at each other.

The room quieted down. Everyone was eventually asleep. Except for Si-woo he could hear the thunder outside grow steadily louder. 

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