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Griff Pov:

We all gather around the campfire and across from me is Y/N sitting with Zuri. Gladys talks about the rules and does her Kikiwaka ritual. She does the same thing every year, so I ignored it. Me and Y/N kept making eye contact.

"WHY DO YOU KEEP LOOKING AT Y/N?" Jorge asks loudly

"SHHH keep it down man!" I exclaim

Y/N looks over when she hears her name and Jorge waves at her. She smiles and waves back. She's so nice and cute. Zuri on the other hand, flips him off.

"Rude!" Jorge says. "Dude, you gotta make your move before someone else does. You know the guys in Moose cabin always get the pretty girls so you better move quick."

Jorge's right. Y/N is the prettiest AND nicest girl at camp. As I start to plot my next move Zuri gets up from her seat. Jorge elbows me and nods his head in their direction "There's your chance."

Y/N Pov:

As Zuri talks my ear off, I can't help but feel a pair of eyes on me. I look up to see Griff quickly avert his eyes to the sky and pretend to look around. I smile. Cute.

I am snapped back to reality when Zuri asks, "So... what's the plan for talking to Ravi? Ooo do you like to collect stamps or something lame like that?"

"I don't collect stamps but I think they're cool?" I said. "Okay close enough. That can be a sentence starter-." Before she can finish her sentence I hear my name being shouted across the bonfire.

I look over and I see Jorge waving to me and Griff looking around again but this time with his hand behind his neck. I smile and wave back while Zuri flips him off.

"Ugh" Zuri says while rolling her eyes. "anyways I'm heading to the room, this is boring" she says as she heads off towards woodchuck cabin.

Griff pov:

As I see Zuri leave, I quickly think of an excuse to go over there and talk to Y/N. "Dude!? Go!" Jorge says. So I get up from my seat and head over to Y/N.

I cash into the seat beside her giving her a light push. "Hey! thought I'd keep this seat warm" Y/N giggles and says "I was getting a little lonely".

I need to start up a conversation so I start with the typical "how do you like it here so far?" She looks at me and smiles shyly. "I'm liking it so far! I've never been to a summer camp so it's definitely a new experience."

"I get that! I've never been to summer camp until last year, but if you really want to make the most of this summer, you should team up with the king of pranks."

"And who's that?" She asks. "You're looking at him" I smirk. "Oh really!? I say we do a prank-off to see if you're worthy of that title, and then I'll determine if I'll be your partner in crime." She says confidently.

"I like how you think! Trust me, after this you'll be begging to be on my team." I say. We shake on it and she has a glimmer of mischief in her eyes. This is going to be fun.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 05, 2023 ⏰

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