Parent Teacher Conference

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Rainbow Dash has subbed in for Scootaloos aunts before at things so it wasn't unusual. Of course there's the general talk were Miss Cheerilee tells the parents and guardians about how the School year is going. What she's teaching right now and it's a time for any questions. Then she talks one on one with them about there child or children. "Besides her struggles to stay awake and focus lately she's been doing great she does well on her homework and no behavior problems"

"Glad to hear it" "I know she's quit smart I've had children of divorce before and now I'm just worried that her performance will suffer" "She's a bit shaken up right now but she'll be fine" "Well I know she will be fine I'm not too worried about how's Holiday doing?" "She's taking this hard I can't imagine how she's feeling right now they have friends and especially each other to get through"

"I'll try to not be too hard on her now if you don't have any questions then we'll done here?" "Then I guess we are" Rainbow started to leave. "See you around" "You too" With that she'd spoken to everypony and she was done for the weekend. She sat down on her desk and looked over her things to make sure there wasn't anything she needed to do before going home

There is wasn't so she got up got her saddle bags and left. She locked the doors to The Schoolhouse and headed home. As she was walking home she was presented with a choice go home spend a quiet evening alone as usual or go to the bar have a drink or 2 and then go home she chose the latter

"Miss Cheerilee What'll it be?" "Oh you know what I want" "The usual then" She was a regular but not too regular. Her students were at the place where they were starting to look at each other in a different way. In that kind of way where foals started to like like each other. It's rather cute to see these moments. But it can be rather lonely at times being alone. She would come to the bar on night's she felt particularly lonely.

She's a middle aged mare with not a lot of prospects it's been years since a successful relationship and her window to have foals is closing in on her. She sat down and had her drink. "Now what is mare like you doing in a place like this" A young mare came up to her. "Buck off honey" The mare rolled her eyes and left. She some how gave off the wrong impression to some ponies and it's annoying.

She then noticed a mare around her age at the bar. It was non other than Holiday. "What is she doing here?" She got up and went to the bar and sat next to her. "Holliday" "Miss Cheerilee" "What are you doing here?" "What do you think?"

"You can't come to your nieces parent teacher conference who your the guardian of but your come to a bar?" "I'm her sole guardian now and I need a drink" "What a about Scootaloo?" "She's a big girl she can take care of herself" "You shouldn't be here" "Why the mare I vowled to spend the rest of my life with has gone and left me I sacrificed for her" "I think you need therapy" "Do you know what I went through for her" "I'm sure this isn't easy for her either" "Miss Cheerilee just leave me alone" And she did she left she can't get through to her but she knows who can

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