Fikri Harik's 45th birthday

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Sanem POV

According to old tradition, the presentation dedicated to the 45th anniversary of the agency was held in the opera building. As Aziz Bey told us, every five years, he gathers guests in this place to share his successes and talk about plans for the future. As I approached the building, I experienced incredible trepidation, as if I was experiencing the events of five years ago all over again.

How I would like today to live again the day when my story with Albatross began. The day the Albatross kissed me for the first time and took away my peace, took my heart, my mind, my soul. But I knew that today would be different from that day in many ways. And I can't change anything, so I mentally prepared myself for the fact that the evening would be difficult not only for me, but also for Can.

Well, while everything was quiet, the four of us stood at the entrance - Aziz Bey, Leyla, Deren and me - and greeted the guests. Emre and his "assistants", Muzo and CeyCey, entertained the guests in the foyer, where a buffet was organized. Can and Metin had not arrived yet, and that was the only reason why I was still standing downstairs in the draft.

The first guests, the most organized ones, had already begun to arrive. I didn't know many of them, but some were familiar to me. For example, Ms. Aiche Dikmen with her uncle and father. Judging by the expression on her face, she did not at all expect to see me at this event, especially next to Can's father. Leyla led them to the middle of the hall, where Emre was already waiting and engaged them in conversation.

I stood next to Aziz Bey and was shaking, either from cold, or from tension, but most likely from rage. I didn't think it would be so hard for me to face the shadows of the past. Ms. Sancak and her father swam past me without even giving me a fleeting glance. She hasn't changed at all, still has the same curly hair and the same arrogance on her face.

A few minutes later, her friend Bambi Gamze joined her. She didn't come alone, but in the company of several other people I didn't know. Gamze introduced them to us, but I didn't bother remembering their names and didn't even delve into which one was which.

"They probably brought the whole company with them, all two hundred people," I muttered to myself, following them with my gaze.

Guests passed by in a continuous stream, but I couldn't help myself, from time to time I looked back at Ceyda and every time I caught her appraising glance.

"Oh, dear Remide!" I was distracted by the voice of Aziz Bey, who stepped towards his relative, joyfully greeting her with hugs and kisses. She came to the evening accompanied by her sons, and I already knew one of them.

"Aziz!" she joyfully greeted her brother-in-law, then turned to us. "Girls, I'm so glad to see you again! Deren, Leyla..." frozen for a moment, she cried out joyfully "ah, Sanem! My girl, dear! I didn't expect to see you here at all."

"Aunt Remide, I'm also very glad to meet you," she hugged me, where I wanted to stay for the rest of the evening, because it was warm there.

"Girls, you know my sons, right?" she looked with pride at the young people talking with Aziz Bey. "Guys, come here. Levent, Selim and, my youngest, Mert" she took turns pointing to her sons in her usual manner.

"Welcome," Deren greeted them, "Mr. Levent!"

"Ms. Deren. Mrs. Leyla. Sanem" he laughed and extended his hand to me.

"Levent, glad to see you again."

"Where is Emre?" Aunt Remide asked Aziz Bey.

"Emre is somewhere among the guests, and Can will arrive soon," my father-in-law joyfully announced, causing a surprised exclamation from Aunt Remide.

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