My sweet trouble

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How nice it is to wake up from the gentle touches of your beloved. Sanem sweetly sniffed right in my face, tracing my nose, eyebrows, cheekbones with her finger. When she got to my lips, I couldn't restrain myself and grabbed her finger, causing her to squeal in surprise, almost deafening me.

"You were pretending!" she screamed and attacked me, trying to bite my cheek. But I knew how to disarm her, so I wrapped my arms around her waist and began to slowly make my way up. Sanem froze and after a couple of seconds, having forgotten about her intention to bite me, she begged for mercy, writhing under me, "Caan! Can, please!"

"Are you going to bite again?" I asked, looking into Sanem's eyes, shining with tears.

"Nooo! Please!" she began to choke with laughter, so I removed my hands and, still smiling, watched as she rolled away from me to catch her breath a little.

"Come to me," I beckoned to her with my finger and she started to rush, but then stopped, looking at me reproachfully.

"I will not! You'll tickle again."

"I won't, I promise," for greater persuasiveness I raised my hands to the head of the bed. Sanem crawled up to me, grabbed my face with her cold fingers and sank her sharp teeth into my cheek. But she immediately changed her anger to mercy and kissed the bitten site, then began to cover my face with light, barely noticeable kisses, deliberately avoiding my lips.

But I couldn't stand it for long, I grabbed her, threw her over on her back and bit into her tender lips, feeling the fire flaring up inside me. Sanem also followed me, went limp, surrendered into my arms. I had already imagined how I would love her long and slowly, but an unexpected knock on the door confused all my plans.

Sanem froze, her body tensed, she raised her head and listened to the persistent knocking.

"Polen? Is this Polen? How does she know where we are?"

"Allah-Allah, Sanem, where does Polen come from?" I reluctantly let go of her and reached for my clothes.

"How should I know?" she puffed, getting dressed. "She has a habit of appearing at the most inopportune moments."

Having put on pants and a T-shirt, I turned to her and was amazed at the speed with which she pulled on her pajamas and robe.

"Wait here, I'll see who's there."

"I'll go with you," she said firmly. "And if it's her, I'll find the biggest snowdrift and bury her! I swear to you!"

"Sanem, don't be stupid, it's cold down there." I caught her hand and pulled her back. "Wait for me here, I'll be back in a minute."

"But, Can..."

"I promise you, if it's Polen, I'll bury her in a snowdrift myself."

Only after this, was I allowed to go down. The knocking on the door did not stop and there were clearly two people.

I pulled the door open and looked at my brother angrily: "Emre!" What's happened?

"Surprise!" Emre and Leyla shouted joyfully and took a step towards the door, but I closed it, leaving a small crack through which I talked to them. "You won't let us in, brother?"



"Leyla?" Sanem finally came downstairs and tried to squeeze between me and the door in order to go out to the uninvited guests. I pushed her back with my shoulder and slammed the door right in front of the surprised couple

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