Just The Way You Are

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Raph was pissed, to say the least. First dad called him out on being mean to his sister last night-- like he wasn't just trying to look out for her! He just didn't want her to embarrass herself is all! He's trying to be nice! Then the next morning Vinnie comes into his room and practically stole half of the black hoodies and sweatpants he owned (learning she did the same to Donnies jeans made him feel a bit better about that.). Then at school Casey's heads been in the clouds since lunch started, ignoring what Raph was trying to say to him in favor of looking around the cafeteria as if someone was out to get him (he hoped that wasn't the case.) right before just getting up and leaving without a word. And now he's being informed Vinnie just had a panic attack? Meltdown? Something like that, in the cafeteria. And also Aprils new friend is a real bitch.
So yeah, he's pissed.
Huffing at April, Raph points a green finger at Irma, ''Watch what you say about my sister.'' he warned before going out into the halls.
''Deep breaths, it's ok. You're ok.'' Casey soothed the turtle silently crying, curled up in a corner between the wall and a locker, ''Hey, you wanna talk about it?''
Casey knew how to deal with meltdowns, his cousin was autistic and had meltdowns all the time. He didn't find it inconvenient, he just wants to help.
Vinnie just shakes her head and sniffles, ''I-I- I c- can't!'' she blurred, ''I can't!'' She sobs as Casey pulls her into a side hug, rubbing his hand up and down her arm, ''I just want- want t-to be, to not be like this!''
Caseys feels like his heart just got stung by a hornet, he hugs her tighter, ''Vin, don't say that! There ain't nothin' wrong with ya, you're perfect the way ya are.''
Vinnie shakes her head, ''Everyone hates m- me!'' she weezes, ''I'm not good enough.''
Casey shakes her shoulder, ''Hey, who told you that? You're a fuckin' hero! How could anyone hate you?''
Vinnie wipes her face with the back of her hand, ''Because I'm lame and awkward and stupid and I mess everything up.'' she pouts, ''Also language.'' she mumbles sadly.
Casey laughs, ''Sorry, sorry. But Vin, how could you say that? You aren't lame! You literally kicked Superflys as- uh, butt! I mean, I guess you are a little awkward but you're also so sweet, how could anyone hate yoh for that!'' Vinnie blushed, ''And everyone messes up some times, ok? That doesn't make you any less perfect.''
''Even if I'm a dweeb?'' Vinnie whispers.
''Dweeb is just a mean word for special people,'' Casey softens, ''And yes, even if you're a dweeb.''
Vinnie giggles.
Smiling, Casey cups her cheek with his hand, ''There ya go. Good to see that smile again.''
Vinnie blushes again, scaly green face dusted a shade of rosy pink, ''I-''
''The fuck are you doing?'' Raphs voice startles them both, ''Casey, what are you doing?'' he narrows his eyes at his friend.
''Nothing, Raph,'' Vinnie defends, ''He was just helping.''
Raphs huffs but says nothing, pulling his older sister up off the floor.
''Well now that everyone is ok, let's get back to lunch.'' Casey smiles, ''All that got me hungry!''
''Actually I think I'm gonna go do my homework at the library...'' Vinnie subtly frees herself from Raphs hold and made her way across the hall, she glances back slightly, ''Um, thanks, by the way.''
Casey waves, ''No problem, Vin. I'll always be available if you need anything.''
Vinnie smiles softly, ''See ya around, Casey.'' she hurries off.
Raph looks at Casey, then at where Vinnie disappeared down the hall, then back at Casey, '' What's was that?''
'' Hm? Oh, scenery overload, ya know, all that.'' Casey answered, distracted.
Raph wacked his friend behind the head, ''No, I mean what was that?''
Casey blinked, ''What was what?''
''Ya know!'' Raph jestered angrily with his three fingerd hands, '' The whole ' I'll be here for you' thing!'' he mocked in a high pitched voice.
''Emotional support?'' Casey raised a brow, ''Why?''
''Are you hitting on my sister?'' Raph deadpanned.
Casey sputtered, ''What?! No! I would never!''
'' She's bi.''
''Shut up!''

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