Do whatever it feels right

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Later that night freen and beck was in a room at becky house, becky can't bear to stay in her hold room so she asked to one of their maids take their luggage to a guest room. They did their night routine like always, exchanging glances time to time.

''So ...'' freen started. ''What did mean the kiss of earlier?'' She asked a little nervous fidgeting with her fingers.

''It meant that I will do whatever that it feel right.'' Becky started to walk toward freen who was standing in front the bed founding cute how she was fidgeting.

''It means if I want to kiss you because I felt it, I would do it.'' She said sensually before pushing freen in the bed and managed to straddle her and kiss her.

The kiss started slow liked she was trying to memorized freen lips on her on, her hands began to wander under freen shirt caressing softly her abs before bitting the older lips. When freen moaned she slipped her tongue in her mouth kissing her passionately.

''It means if I want to feel you on me and inside of me I will do it.'' She said a little breathlessly after the kiss. Freen was speechless and hotly aroused, becky was so sexy when she was dominant like that so let the reign to the younger girl.

''It's that so? What if I'm not in the mood?'' Freen teased lightly, but who was she kidding of course she will be always in the mood with a goddess like becky, and the if the bulge in her boxer wasn't any indication how in mood she was.

''You not in the mood?'' She chuckled, she grinds on freen and they moaned softly. ''Based on the tent in your boxer I can certainly affirm that you are clearly in the mood.'' She begins to kiss freen neck throwing the shirt hazardly when she done that her hands were busy to caress freen chest she massage the orb with one hand while the other continue her path to the hem of freen boxer teasing the older girl.

''So are you really not in the mood? Don't you want me?'' She purred sexily in her ear, she kissed her neck licking the length of it until she reached freen chest she take one nipple on her mouth licking sucking nipping it, freen was a moaning mess underneath she become a puddle in becky hands totally submissive and receptive.

''Answer me freen do you want me or no?'' She said squeezing lightly freen cock, making freen moaned in pleasure. Becky continue her assault on freen neck and chest, bitting licking every of freen skin.

''Please baby do something, don't tease me please.'' She pleaded she was literally vibrating with desire, her want for becky was crazy, her body wasn't hers anymore, she need the younger girl like air was needed to breathe.

Becky like the way freen was pleading for her, how much the older girl wanted her, she feels powerful and desired she looked freen in the eyes and begin to licking her path down freen body never ceasing the eye contact until she arrives to the hem of freen boxer.

''Please do what? Do you want me to suck you baby? Do you want me take your big hard cock in my mouth baby?'' She said pushing down the boxer , freen kick the boxer off her and the bed eagerly.

''You can do anything you want to me becky, my god you're so sexy baby, I'm yours to do whatever you want with.'' Satisfied with the answer becky kiss her passionately, while caressing the length of her member.

''Good answer baby, tonight I will give you a reward because you're a good girl, you're so good to me baby.'' She once face again face the member of freen, and the later can't help but moaned at what she seeing, becky was so sexy with her messy, her look full of lust and something else that freen can't pinpoint.

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