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Chapter 769: this is so embarrassing

Ye Zhen smiled. So this was where they were waiting for her. If she had agreed just now, the mother and daughter would definitely have found another opportunity to ask her to bring Li Junsheng home.

She really didn’t know where they got such a righteous attitude from. They took over her home, stole her father, and even wanted to steal the company her mother left behind.

Now, she still wanted to steal her “Boyfriend.”Although it was fake, the intention was the same.

She was too shameless. But it was a pity.

“Auntie, what are you talking about? I’m Sister To Ning Han. Since I’m one generation away from Mayor Li, then mayor Li and Ning Han are naturally one generation away.”

“Besides, even if there’s no difference in seniority, uncle Li’s business is not my business. Don’t you think so?”

She suddenly remembered something and looked at Ye Ninghan. “Oh right, speaking of which, I think Ninghan has a boyfriend. Last time, I saw a man eating with her.”

“What nonsense are you talking about?”Ye Ninghan suddenly became nervous. Her face was pale and she looked flustered. “Ye Zhen, don’t talk nonsense. I don’t have a boyfriend.”

Ye Ninghan was flustered. She didn’t even call her sister anymore.

“Eh? Did I see wrongly? I clearly saw you and that man –”

Ye Zhen suddenly covered her mouth and looked as if she had said something wrong. “Dad, Auntie, look at my mouth. I’m talking too much again. Alright, I’m tired. I’m going upstairs to rest. You guys have a good night.”

She quickly went upstairs. When she turned the corner, she heard Chen Wan’s anxious voice. “Ninghan, is what she said true? You have a boyfriend? Where did you get a boyfriend?”

“Mom, I don’t have one.”

Ye Ninghan’s face was pale. It was all Chen Liang’s fault. If he hadn’t shamelessly pestered her, how could ye Zhen see her when she was pulling him?

Ye Zhen wasn’t interested in Ye Ninghan’s explanation. With that Chen Liang around, Ye Ninghan would have a headache for a while.

After returning to her room, she calmed down and suddenly remembered that Li Junsheng said he would take her to Rongcheng the next day.

Although this girlfriend’s identity was fake, ye Zhen found that she couldn’t help but feel a little nervous.

Would Li Junsheng’s parents and family like her? If they didn’t like her, then would she not have to pretend to be Li Junsheng’s girlfriend?

Forget it, I’ll just take it as it comes. She would just treat it as if she was going out to play.


Rong Cheng was two hours away from Qingcheng by car. Ye Zhen woke up a little early today. She stood in front of the dressing mirror and looked at herself. After making sure that there were no more problems, she picked up her bag and went downstairs.

Chen Wan and Ye Nanshan always woke up late on Saturdays. There was no one downstairs. She had specially told Li Junsheng yesterday to pick her up earlier today.

She went out of the Ye family’s living room and passed through the garden. Li Junsheng’s car had already stopped at the door. Her footsteps subconsciously quickened by two steps. As if she had remembered something, she was two steps slower.

Li Junsheng opened the car door and saw the little girl walking in his direction.

The bright yellow dress was well-tailored, which made her tall and slender figure and fair skin. Her black hair reached her shoulders, and one side of her hair was stuck behind her ears. One could see the diamond earrings on her ears.

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