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Chapter 771: Chapter 012: I must have offended him

His little girl. How interesting. He was so happy that he couldn’t help but give her another kiss on the tip of her nose.

When he felt that the person in his arms was tenser and his breathing was lighter, he silently smiled.

Forget it. He was kind enough to let her go today. Although it was really hard to endure.


Ye Zhen’s body had been tensed up the whole time, and she had been controlling her breathing. She was scared to death. More importantly, she regretted it.

Why did you push him when you had nothing to do? Why did you twist when you had nothing to do? Is It Alright Now? Did I provoke him?

She didn’t think that she was the “Victim”in this matter. She just felt that she shouldn’t have done that at all.

She endured, endured, and waited. She had been waiting nervously for Li Junsheng to really fall asleep.

Throughout this process, she kept her body tensed up, not daring to move an inch. In the end, she was so tired that her eyes became heavier and heavier, and her consciousness became more and more blurry.

In the end, her tensed up body finally relaxed slowly, and she really fell asleep.

After she fell asleep, Li Junsheng opened his eyes and looked at the little girl’s hand that she held even when she was asleep. He could not help but laugh.

She was still holding on for quite a while. He had underestimated her. It had been hard on her.

He picked up her hand and put it away. He adjusted it to a relatively comfortable position, but also a more intimate position with him. Only then did Li Junsheng fall asleep with her in his arms, satisfied.

As for the neckline that she accidentally revealed when she fell asleep, well, that would be his benefit.

He didn’t want to help her pull her clothes up properly.


When Ye Zhen woke up in the morning, Li Junsheng was no longer in the room. She heaved a sigh of relief and couldn’t help but look at the pajamas on her body.

She couldn’t remember when she fell asleep yesterday. But she was sure that Li Junsheng was a gentleman yesterday and didn’t take advantage of her.

However, she quickly thought of the two kisses. That still counted as taking advantage of her, right?

She shook her head and decided to keep her distance from Li Junsheng next time. Definitely, Definitely.

Looking at the time, Ye Zhen quickly went to the bathroom to wash up. When she returned to her room, she realized that Li Junsheng had gone back to his room.

“Good Morning.”

Li Junsheng looked at her with a faint smile in his eyes. She realized that Li Junsheng liked to smile when he looked at her.

As the saying goes, you shouldn’t hit a smiling person when you reach out your hand. Every time she saw Li Junsheng smiling at her so warmly, no matter how uncomfortable ye Zhen felt, she couldn’t seem to express it.

It wasn’t just her discomfort that couldn’t be expressed? If she wanted to stay away from Li Junsheng’s thoughts, she would always be defeated by his smiling face.

It was already against the rules for a man to be good-looking. It was even more against the rules for a man to smile frequently when he was good-looking and also smile very well.

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