A new beginning

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(Baby cries)My sweet new baby girl ,
You're finally here , you're so beautiful .
I will name you dahlia ,
now i can plan my escape back.

2 yrs later

mama , mama (i said)darling, i'm okay, but i need you to do something for me (mama said). Go to your room , then at night, come out when you know daddy's asleep. OK ? , ok (I replied)

*Time skip*
*whispers* good your here. Come on top mama's back
(mom starts running) Mama, where are we going(I ask) home (mom replies) home? ( we stop at a huge, beautiful but odd tree, then suddenly feels drawn to it) Mama, I feel like it's sucking me in  , good(she replied)

 Come on top mama's backOkay(mom starts running) Mama, where are we going(I ask) home (mom replies) home? ( we stop at a huge, beautiful but odd tree, then suddenly feels drawn to it) Mama, I feel like it's sucking me in  , good(she replied)

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Now , my sweet little dahlia raina isadora  , lay your hand on the tree(mom says while putting her hand on the tree) okay mama(I replied)
(The tree starts glowing) (turns to Mama, who's looking at the tree, then everything goes white)

*sorry for the short intro to story😅*

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