The aragona royal high school pt.1

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                    (then I saw it , were in a totally different place) This , darling, is our new home.

                        *10 yrs Time skip
After everything darling, I'm finally getting a job, darling, that means I don't have to home school you again (mom says excitedly). Ugh ( grouns loudly), but mom ,
No buts (mom replies) you'll be attending a really prestigious school , wait prestigious,  why , how do we even have that money (I asked) . (Mom replies seriously) it's a story for another time, Lia , and come on, you're  12. You need to make friends.  Fine ( says reluctantly).
Good,  cause you had no choice (mom replied and handed me a white and Ash  classy uniform)

Good,  cause you had no choice (mom replied and handed me a white and Ash  classy uniform)

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Wow (gaping in awe)
            *Time skip next morning (6:00)

Wake up, lia time to get ready(mom wakes me up) ugh its 6. Why so early, mom . (Mom replies) Come on, your schools far , fine (grouning)

*Time skip to time for carriage ride to school

Okay, bye mom (bye darling, I wish i  old follow you, but not really. Those rides are uncomfortable. Only the royals and rich get the comfy seated carriages (mom:sighs and mutters something)
Oh well, bye darling, have a great first day at school (mom:smiles) catch your carriage before it leaves (mom:says hurriedly) Oh, okay, mom, bye (dalia:waves and enters carriage)     

         *3 hours time skip

Okay, thank you (thanks, and pays carriage driver)
Wow, what a huge school. No wonder it's a royal school

(Spots a girl) um hi could you help me find my way to the head masters office

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(Spots a girl) um hi could you help me find my way to the head masters office

Sure(girl replies) And my name's dalia lia for short ,  cute name. I'm Eleanor  (Eleanor:says while smiling and leading  office) here when you officially start, I'll be here, and we can get to be better friends , Okay(dalia:smiles and enters office)

(Sees a strict looking man looking out the window) You must be the new student , sit down(principal:says strictly)
Okay, sir (dalia:replies)
So I know we're your from , so you'll probably be weak but from the request of your mother you'll still be put in a class with every other person you're age although I'd say starter elementary is more you're poor under educated peasant caliber (principal:says discusted and annoyed)
(Dalia:In mind)What a stuck-up
aristocrat (annoyed by principal)
(Back to principal) just sigh this go to your class Eleanor will lead you your in the same class (frowning at new student)
Okay, sir (dalia:signs)
Try not to die on your first day. We won't be taking any sort of  responsibility for your death(principal:glaring at student)
(Dalia:walks out and meets Eleanor) Hi Eleanor, I was told you'd lead me to class (dalia:sighs)
Yes, that's me(Eleanor:says cheerful)
(Both walking to class)
Why is the principal so rude
(Eleanor:replies) Yea, he's an aristocrat and only treats royals well , but stick with me. I'll get you through it all . Most kids here look down on others, but not all. (Arrives at class)It looks like we're here then (dalia:enters and is introduced , but everyone ignored) why is a poor weak peasant in our class (random student shouts) Well sorry but the peasant is sitting next to you (teacher shouts) go and sit next to him (teacher:glares and says rudely)
Okay, ma'am (Dalia : annoyed and sits next to student staring)

weakling (student:scoffs)Exuse me (dalia:annoyed) , you heard me peasant(student:says grinning), stop calling me that stuck up moron (talks back), how dare you speak to your Prince like that, I could have you're head(Prince: shouts angrily) , I do...

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weakling (student:scoffs)
Exuse me (dalia:annoyed) , you heard me peasant(student:says grinning), stop calling me that stuck up moron (talks back), how dare you speak to your Prince like that, I could have you're head(Prince: shouts angrily) , I don't even know your name "Prince"(dalia:says sarcastically) everyone leave that class immediately (everyone leves after Prince shouts)you're going to pay peasant and I am Prince liam.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 13 ⏰

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