Chapter 8

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Third Pov
After that little incident, Y/N continued his research into Eden Academy. He wanted to secure Eri's spot so he started to pull out stops. He made sure that she studied hard to pass the entrance exam, which she passed, and now they had to attend an interview. His reputation as a Hunter wouldn't just be enough to do so he also needed a wife with a high standing to help get her in. He originally thought about asking an old friend but he knew she probably hated him and calling out of nowhere asking would only make things worse. But he'd been talking to this woman online. Being a single father would not cut it. So now he's figuring he might as well get Elisabeth involved in his plan. And unfortunately, he wasn't too free on prep time.

Now that he has everything settled get things get up. Now he was just walking around getting things for tonight's dinner, he was planning on making something special for Eri as a reward for passing. He left pretty early so he should be done soon. As he was walking he saw an old man standing in the middle of the street, and just down the road came a speeding car. Despite the constant yells to move the old man just stood there. Not even thinking ran toward the old man and grabbed him. He made it to the sidewalk before the car got too close. He put the old man down and checked if he was ok.

Y/N: You alright Sir?

Old Man:*stroking beard* Yes yes I'm fine.

Y/N: You know it's dangerous standing in the middle of the street like that.

Old Man: Oh Dear it seems I took a wrong turn and got myself lost. Tell me, would mind helping an old man find his way?

Y/N checked his phone and saw it was still early.

Y/N: Aw, what the hell, where to?

Old Man:*pulls out phone* Around here.

He showed him the map revealing the place he was going to was a sizable distance away, at least for walking.

Y/N:*sigh* Guess this is my good deed for the day. *crouches down* Get on.


Seeing as he didn't want his stuff to get warm he didn't let the old man walk. Instead, he put the old man on his back.

Y/N:*in thought* (That place is way too far to walk and this old man is too slow to just walk. I could go faster but there's no way to know if it'll kill him or not. And I can't go as fast as I want to anymore.) *out loud* Hold on tight.

When his foot touched the ground it shattered as moved. Channeling the strength in his legs he shot up into the air. He flew high up above the surrounding buildings. When he landed on the roof of one he jumped again, clearing most of the distance.

Y/N: You Alright?!

Old Man:*Holding on tightly* Yes!

On the third and final jump, there were no more buildings he could land on. Just before they began to plummet an orange glow appeared under Y/N's foot and the sound of a bell could be heard. Almost as if he were on solid ground he jumped and landed right at the gate.

Y/N: There we go.


He sat the old man down and patted him off.

Old Man: Excellent! I've found my Dane!

Y/N: What?

Old Man: Young Man come back here later tomorrow. I have a special job for you!

Y/N: Um, Ok.

The old man handed him a business card with his number on it before he left.

Old Man:* in thought* That stance, that body, that strength, and most of all that character! He is perfect for this role! This might be my greatest work yet!

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