"Cat Got Your Tongue?"

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- Sentences with **text** is narrator

- Sentences with. "text" is verbal speech

- Sentences with text is thoughts


**In the city of New York, the friendly neighbourhood Spider-Man is perched upon the tip of the Empire State Building, overlooking the city blanketed in a yellow glow, the dark of night unable to seep through its light.**


Peter Parker's Perspective:

I'm so tired. It's been hours since I've actually had a full sleep, and I don't think I'll be getting it anytime soon. It's like I never get a break, there is always something happening that disrupts the peace, whether it be the same-old-same-old criminals, or even close family or friends. Honestly, looking back, I kind of miss my simple life of just Peter Parker, the typical loser. But then, I remember how much this city needs me, needs Spider-Man. If I was never biten, anyone else could of been. They could of had this opportunity, a chance, to be Spider-Man. But every-time I think of that once a possibility, i remember how much I love being Spider-Man. No matter how many hits I take or bones I break, I'll never stop getting back up.

Why am I getting all deep and brooding right now? I shook my head to relieve my reminiscing thoughts, adjusting my grip on the tip of the building. Maybe it's the lack of sleep. I sighed, a yawn following shortly after. My hands began sliding down the tip in a crawl, preparing to launch off and swing. A web shot out of my wrist, and as I felt it connect to a building nearby, I pulled and kicked off the tip, shooting myself off the building I was originally perched upon.

Swinging through the city, despite the late hours, people were still awake, wandering through the streets and buildings. Nothing seems out of the ordinary, maybe I'll get some sleep tonight.


A voice called out to me. Turning my head to find the source of the voice, I could see a lady waving her arms up at me. It wasn't like she was saying hello or anything, she looked distressed. I release my web and do a web sling down to the ground, making my way over to the lady.

"Ma'am? Is everything okay?"

I ask, my arms out slightly and my palms facing upwards. The lady immediately grabbed onto my hands, her grip, not necessarily hard, but more forceful than usual. She did a sigh of relief, but panic remained in her eyes.

"There's a robbery! In the museum!"

The lady said with urgency, pointing in its direction. My gaze followed her finger, looking to the way she pointed.

"I've called the police, but you're much faster. Please help, Spider-Man."

The lady pleaded. I nodded, placing one of my hands on top of hers comfortingly.

"It's alright, I'll handle it."

I said as I shot a web to latch onto a nearby wall. Zipping off, I could hear the lady thank me from below as I swung across each building. The museum, huh? Didn't it just open? I thought as I clung to the museums wall, peering through the window. No one was inside, but it looked like it was a storage room, boxes and tables set up all around.

A vent was on the ceiling inside. Grabbing the bottom of the window, I slid it upwards, checking inside for anyone before web-zipping through. I land in a crouch, making sure I was unseen. Clinging a web onto the vents cover, I pull it off, then using both web shooters, I fling myself through the vent, landing inside with a crawl. Moving in the vent, I could hear talking below me. Looking through the gaps, I analyse the people. Must be Kingpin's goons...

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