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At the beginning God made heaven and earth
But after millions of years the human got clever enough.
They said: „Who's talking about God here? I'll take my future into my own hands."
They did and the last seven days of the earth began.

On the morning of the first day, the human decided to be free and good, beautiful and happy. Not the image of a god, but a human. And because they needed to believe something, they believed in freedom and luck, in exchange and progress, in the planning and their safety. So for their safety, they filled the ground beneath their feet with rockets and nuclear explosives.

On the second day, the fish died in the industrial waters, the birds died, cause of the powder from the chemical factory, which was destined for the caterpillars. The rabbits died, cause of the lead cloud from the streets. The pet dogs died, due to the nice red colour in the sausages. The herrings died, cause of the oil in the sea and the garbadge on the bottom of the ocean. The garbage was dangerous.

On the third day the grass on the fields died and the leaves on the trees fell, the moss on the rocks and the flowers in the gardens turned black. Because humans made the weather themselves and spread the rain after plan. There was just one little mistake in the calculation, who spread the rain. When they found the mistake, the barges were lying on the dry bottom of the beautiful Rhein.

On the fourth day, three out of four billion humans withered away. Some due to the diseases, which humans had bred, because one had forgotten to close the containers, which were ready, for the next war. And the medicines didn't help. They already had to work too long in Cremes and Pigmeat. Others died of hunger, because many of them hid the keys to the silos full of corn. They cursed God, the one who owed them the luck. He was the good god after all!

On the fith day, the last humans pressed the red button, because they felt threatened. Fire surrounded the globe, the mountains burned and the oceans evaporated and the stone skeletons in the cities were black and smoking. And the angles in heaven saw the blue planet turn red, then dirty brown and lastly ashgrey. And they stoped their singing for ten minutes.

On the sixth day, the light went out. Dust and ashes covered the sun, the moon and the stars. And the last roaches, that survives in the bunkers, died from the excessive heat.

The seventh day was quiet.
The earth was destroyed and empty, and it was dark above the cracks and crevices, which appeared on the dry earth ground. And the ghost of the human floated above the chaos. But deep down in hell they talked about the exciting tale of the human, who took his future into their hands and the laughter could be heard even from the angles.

~Germany/ Schewenborn - 5th of September 1983~

Some of the older kids were out to look for food, water and wood to start a fire. It was hard to find something in the wild so we needed to plead with the other people at their houses. Not like they gave us much. But the two Nicoles had a way of scaring them into giving us at least a few potatoes or something. It wasn't much but anything is good if you wanna survive. I was watching the other children. Checking on them, especially the ill ones. It's getting colder outside and winter is probably gonna start sooner again. If we don't have enough rashions we won't make it. And it's not like anyone would help us or even care.

I was just checking on Jens. His condition was getting worse every day, but there's nothing I can do to help him. He's just 4 years old and lost his parents right on Bombday. His sister managed to bring him here, but couldn't make it further. Of course we took him in. There was not much we could give him, but it's better than starving or freezing alone somewhere outside.

I brought him some water and set the cup on his lips to drink. He drank it down quickly and thanked me quietly. I smiled at him and then made my way to the fire. „Wir sind zurück", came a voice from the entrance. The two Nicoles came back, a seemingly full bag with them. „Wir haben Essen! Es ist zwar nicht viel aber es ist ein Anfang." They both made their way over to me. The bag was fuller than I expected. „Das habt ihr super gemacht. Bringt ihn einfach zu den Vorräten." They nodded and left.

The Nicoles are both 14 years old. One with pale skin, blond hair and blue eyes. The other had coffee colourd skin, with dark brown hair and brown eyes. I think she was adopted out of a different country. We have about 35 kids now. Most of them at the age 2 to 10. The older ones are the nicoles, the 12 year old Andreas, the 13 year old Robert and me. I'm turning 18 at the end of the year. They all saw me as the leader or the protector of our group. My parents abandoned in me when it started. They ran of, hoping to find some place save. They're probably dead by now, but I don't really care. My little brother Lu died in the first winter after the bombday. It's been over two years now since the chaos started. Most of the kids are scared or injured. Andreas didn't have legs anymore. Others would push him around in a old stroller we found.

I put onother piece of wood on the fire. We used the wood we could collect from the burned or broken down houses. As long as it burned we could survive.

Suddenly there was a bright green light on the other side of the room. They little kids started screaming and ran to me. „ Was ist das?!" , yelled the blond nicole. We we're all scared. After the light went down we saw 5 people in weird costumes standing there. I stepped forward, pushing the kids behind me. „Wer seid ihr und was wollt ihr hier?"

~to be continued ~

AN: Okay so I had an Idea for a story, cause I've been obsessed with a book of mine and thought hey what if. So hope you enjoy.
CW:The story will contain death, fighting, drama and probably gore/ injuries.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 22 ⏰

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