PART 1 : Smiling Faces.

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Mayday by TheFatRat
From YouTube, yours truly.

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Episode 1.

Scene 1.

Smiling Faces.

Smiling Faces

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The beautiful view printed on her eyes were hard to be ignored by anyone, even by her.

Even though how many times the young brunette gazed down at the scenery from her balcony, she can't help but admiring it from every angle and from every detail, taking it in very careful. Her blue crystal eyes shown as she gazed down softly from her balcony, her pink thin lips rose up into a small smile, her hands gripping onto the rail while her index finger traced against the craved details, feeling every valley and hills it included. The cold breeze of the night blew right across her skin, giving the young brunette a small shiver as she continued to stare down at the beauty the world had to offer for her in comfortable silence.

It was the same scenery she would gazed down everyday. But it never ceases to amaze her with it's repeating and representing beauty.

It was simple terrifying how beautiful the view was, how breathtaking it was. The small lights of the villages and towns twinkled in the dark softly, the clouds above her glided along with the wind magically yet smoothly as the various shapes and sizes of the stars lit up the sky like lanterns. The air was cold and light, easy to inhale and exhale. The young brunette exhale softly, her eyes twinkled with amazement as she continued to stare down at the view, silently gaping. Her fingers continued to trace the details among the rails as her smile slowly made its way to her ears.

Nothing was different, yet everything seemed so new to her.

The brunette gazed down one last time as she turned behind, letting the grip on the railing fall off as she slowly made her way through the glass door, being careful not to step on any puddles as she hopped over one of it barefoot. Scampering her way through the glass door, she shut it close with her hands, a smile evident on her face as she made her way to her Queen size bed. She sat on it gently, letting her hands fall on to her lap as she stared at the view from the glass door yet again.

The brunette let her thoughts run wild as she stared at the beautiful crescent moon through the glass of her door, her mind replaying ever single detail of the conversation she had with her parents this morning on the dining table. Her smile slowly dropped into a frown as the longer she listen to her running thoughts. She began playing with her long white fingernails as she recalled her father's words which was directed to her.

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