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~Bright's condo~

Win in kitchen searching for snacks ,The older one hits in head  told you fridge , drawers everything is empty, also an hour  ago we ate you still hungry, Phi I 'm not hungry it's just I want to munch on something while playing FIFA, how do you survive huh no food to eat...let's order something than ,say what you want to eat., nothing let's play , Just say what you want., nothing Phi start the match.., Why are you so moody Win ! I don't want anything I said na phi ... fine let's do this, So who so ever looses the first game will have to buy food to the other one also will not get to taste any... FINE FINE ! MY NAME IS WIN SO I ALWAYS WIN !we will see that Win who wins and who loose..

~first match winner bright~

Phi you cheated you held my remote control... why are you so annoying phi, not playing with you .. accept it you are a loser  you loosed ... Win order food for me , I WONT PHI! YOU CHEATED! CHEATER PHI... play a second round with me if you win I will buy you food ...NO  NOT PLAYING , BUY ME MY FOOD ! BUY ME MY FOOD!... why you behaving like a kid Phi..., BUY M....., Win STOP , Win stop tickling me...

both the men playing tickling each other Win sitting over bright ., get off me Win get off me Win you heavy., here you again , will you call me heavy again , No I..won..won't get off me please ,, I will buy you food now get off me... FINE, . PHI you see my name is Win and I always Win...YOU CHEATER! SO you didn't got your lesson,... move away Win , bring me my phone  I will order.

~food arrived~


I will sleep on the left side Phi , no that's my side Win , NOOOOOOO I will sleep on left side or else I will sleep on Couch ., Fine go sleep on Couch , You are so mean Phi ...Win takes a pillow and blanket and lays down on the couch ,. What are doing come back I'm sleeping on the right side, NOT COMING TO YOU, do you want me to tickle you, if not come back

~min later~

Win- Don't stand in front of me Phi! go sleep

Bright - why are you so moody today ?? last time asking you will you come and sleep with me on bed 

Win - not coming

Bright - You sure not coming 

Win - Phi ST...OP  S...T..OP   tickling 

Bright- now coming?? 

Win - Fine but I want bolster pillow by my side too!! will you give me

Bright- WIN!! Fine Sir take the pillow too !! do you want anything more Sir!!

Win - A glass of water .. and headache medicine

Bright- ~ checks temperature~ your temperature is fine...What are you worrying about? go to the bed bringing you medicine

Win- thankyou for your service Phi! 

Bright- STOP now sleep take rest ! today was a long day I'm tired too

Win - Phi you can take bolster

Bright- no need I'm fine...Sleep

Win- you can hug me and sleep , I can be your bolster tonight

Bright - ~blushing internally~ STOP WIN ! flirt with someone else

Win - You sure can I flirt with someone else

Bright- Win sleep !

Win - answer can I  flirt.

Bright- ~turns around~ No you can't now sleep

Win - show me your face phi...

Bright- sleep GOODNIGHT!


~Win really likes to annoy his Phi ... haha.. hopefully you liked it please vote and comment down~

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