My Only Sunshine

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✩✮ "For you alone - only you - will know what it is like to be laughed at. Only you will remember how good it felt. And yet - not you - but the stars - will never laugh at me again. Never ever ever." ✩✮

Broomer lay flat on his back, staring at the ceiling. What time was it? How long had he been just doing nothing?

How long since he had eaten? Since he had even left the room? How long had he been laying on this bed, just waiting?

..Waiting for what?

He inhaled.

'Not what, who.'

He exhaled.

He would come home, It was all just a dream. A hyper realistic dream.

Maybe he was in her room, playing with her. Maybe he was just out with Clay, or Headset, or even Feather.

Maybe if he lied to himself hard enough, the lie would become a reality.

He shut his eyes and breathed. The world was quiet, dark. Maybe he would come and shake him awake, nag at him for not getting out of the bed, how 'Unheathly this is', or 'You're needed around the house.'

Maybe if he dreamed hard enough, he could escape this reality.

"Daddy..?" Blackboard eraser knocked, and pushed the door open a little. She peeked into the quiet room and saw her Father, lying on his back on the bed. He looked up at her with dull eyes which brightened a little when he saw her. "What's up?"

"I'm hungry."

Broomer stayed for a moment, then got up and walked over to the door and picked her up.

"Ok, let's go make something. What do you wanna eat?"

She tapped her chin while she thought. "Peanut butter jelly!"

of course.

Broomer opened the cabinet and rummaged through it, looking for the bread. "Where is it..?" he mumbled.

"It's in the basket, remember?" He turned around and dug through the basket beside the counter and pulled out the bread. "Ah, yeah thanks Chalky."

"No problem."

Blackboard Eraser stood there, confused. Then she shrugged and walked to the table and sat in one of the chairs, swinging her feet happily. Broomer put together the sandwich and placed it in front of her. She squeaked and started eating. Broomer sat across from her and watched her eat.

"Chalky, i'm gonna go grocery shopping, alright? Watch Blackboard Eraser for me." Broomer opened the door.

"Broomer, I died, remember? I can't watch her."

Broomer only stood there for a second before moving again. "Ok, love you, bye."

The door shut behind him.

Blackboard Eraser stood there behind the closed door, in the empty house.

Alone in the house.

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