Chapter 7 Way Over in Yorknew City

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I'm so sorry for being so late! I had finals and they got in the way! Anyway you all have a Merry Christmas!

Leorio dialed the number again, making sure not to hit the wrong buttons. Beep boop beep bop boop beep. The dial tone rang loudly as he impatiently tapped his foot.

RIng. Ring. Ring. Then it stopped and an automated voice began. "I'm sorry, but the user of this phone is not available right--"

"Oh dang it!" Leorio shouted, aggressively smashing the end call button. "Come on Gon, pick up already!" He'd been calling them over and over, and nobody would pick up, not even Kurapika. Everybody had seemingly vanished. 

Shoving his phone into his pocket, Leorio glanced over the street and started across, muttering under his breath. They promised to meet up after all this mess with the Phantom Troupe business. But when he got there, none of them were anywhere to be found. Now he was going over to Mr. Light Nostrade's Yorknew office to find Kurapika. 

Where could they have gone he wondered. Maybe they just got lost or something. But he couldn't rest easy with all the Phantom Troupe stuff that had happened. Kurapika was still on edge from the past few days. What could have happened--

Two kids ran around the corner and crashed right into him. Leorio toppled over and fell backwards, landing painfully on his bum. "Hey!" he yelled. "Watch where you're going!"

"Oh yeah? Watch where you're going!" one of the kids shouted back. He had messy, spiky blond hair and wore a funny blue, red, and white uniform. His face was twisted into a scowl that seemed normal for him.

Leorio jumped to his feet. "Excuse me? You were running!" Stupid kids--

"We're in a hurry!" the blond kid shouted back. "Get out of our way!"

"Not going to!" Leorio yelled, brandishing a fist. "You move!"

The blond kid sneered. "You think you can stop me?"

"So? Maybe I can!" Leorio snapped back, rolling up his sleeves. Dumb kids getting in the way--

The other kid, who wore the same kind of uniform, but was shorter with curly green hair, cut in between them. "Hey, sir, I'm really sorry we bumped into you." he said rapidly, before the other kid could say anything. "We're in a hurry, and we're lost. I'm very sorry to have bothered you."

Leorio thought about shoving him aside, but decided not to. He was too busy to be getting into fights. "Alright, it's ok." At least this kid has manners. "Where are you headed?"

The green haired kid looked around nervously. "We've been trying to get back to our school, but nobody know where it is."

"Shut up and move, we can't waste time talking to you!" the other kid yelled. 

"But Ka-chan, we don't know where--"

"It's alright, maybe I can help you." Leorio said quickly. These kids looked a little younger than him, probably fifteen or sixteen. Perhaps they knew where Gon or Killua might be. Probably also lost. "What's your school called?"

The green haired kid smiled with relief. "It's UA highschool."

"UA?" Leorio frowned. Where the heck was that? "I'm sorry. I've never heard of it. What section of Yorknew is it in?"

"That's the problem, it's not IN this dratted city!" the blond kid snapped. "We're trying to find an information center to find a map so we can figure out where the HELL we are! So unless you have a map then get out of our way!"

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