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The glow up is just 👌

Anyway lemme explain the changes:

> Wendigo - I decided Blu is part wendigo because she has antlers. Also, I like snowy forests and eating rotten flesh in Minecraft (cannibalism??)

> Blue Tongue - I thought it was interesting for Blu to have a blue tongue

> Retractable Fangs - I keep imagining Blu only bare her fangs when she's mad or trying to scare someone

> 2 White Patches on Back - Where her wings grow from and hints at her true form (ref sheet for that on another day)

> Tail - I used to have a sona (that I never drew) when I was waayyy younger and she had a tail that could always be used as a third arm.

Without it, I feel Blu was limited (or maybe I just got used to a sona with a tail) so I was like, "Eh lets give her a tail that almost looks like [REDACTED]'s tail."

Also, imagine a fight scene when Blu is like, "Oh no, you broke my legs and pinned down my arms... Im so doomed- PSYCHE! MY TAIL GRABBED THAT KNIFE OVER THERE *stabs*"

> Extra Hair Floof - A sona is someone you draw a lot so they must be fun to draw. And whats more fun than the strokes of drawing floof.

Also, I like it when my hair looks messy or floofy :)

> 2 Toes - To look cool and menacing when walking because ✨claws✨. They allow Blu to grip onto stuff like branches when hanging upside down (yea she does that now).

And a bonus: if spread and stood at an angle, the 2 toes allows Blu to ice skate (neat 👌)

> 4 Fingers - This is probably my hardest decision. As you may know, older BluFireX designs didn't technically have proper fingers-

So my first idea was, "Hey, 3 fingers so its easy to draw bc I can't with hands."

But then another thought came to me.

"Wait if Blu only has 3 fingers, wouldn't that mean she's flipping you off whenever she's pointing??"

Thats a big no no because I don't like swearing so neither does Blu.

"But drawing 4 fingers is so hard. Is it really worth it??"


So its a price to pay for Blu to remain kid friendly...

> Height - I forgor to add it but Blu is 6ft tall BUT her antlers add another foot to her height so in total, Blu is 7ft tall!

(I swear Im not actually that tall-)

Thats all the changes!! Im still gonna make other ref sheets for her clothes (bc friends ask me why Blu has no clothes 💀), hairstyles, accessories, and other form.

But til then, its my birthday week and I just wrote this before going on vacation (we're going to a beach thats probably infested with sharks :D).

So see ya all 💙💙 Stay safe wherever you are in this world!

Blu's Art Book and Other Random Stuff 3Where stories live. Discover now