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The second Katrina entered her room, her mind opened. She saw Robert. He stood in front of her with his strong hands around her neck, choking her as she gasped for breath. Although it was just a vision, she could feel the bones in her neck breaking, and her lungs burning as they fought for air. The hatred in his expression frightened her, as did knowing he wanted her dead.

Groaning, she rubbed her forehead as the forewarning left her. Apparently, Robert would stop her from getting to those two field men her father mentioned. Was it worth risking her life? Then again, life without Felix would be miserable and unbearable, anyway. She must do this. She must die heroically instead of taking the coward's way out.

She shut her door and hurried to change her clothes. One would think it was late at night instead of early afternoon due to the dark clouds hovering over the plantation. Katrina hoped the rain and shadows would help her stay hidden from Robert. She knew he was lurking somewhere, and she needed to look like the other field men and try to blend in.

Her long hair was a problem. Thankfully, she had a hat from her supplies and was able to coil her hair and stuff it inside the covering. After she had changed into her shirt, trousers, and boots, as she left her room, shrugging into the raincoat.

Taking careful steps, she crept down the servants' stairs to the back door. She found it strange that she hadn't yet encountered one person who worked for her father. It was as if everyone was in hiding.

She pulled the raincoat tighter around her throat and hastened into the rain. The pellets of water slashed from the sky and hit her hard. She cringed. At least when it had rained on them during the trek, they'd had the canopy of trees helping to protect them. But she was tough and knew how to handle a little stinging.

Her vision wasn't very clear out here in the storm, but she pushed forward toward the servants' cabins. The thick mud clung to her boots and nearly pulled them off when she walked. Even though she was moving as fast as she could, the mud made it so she couldn't go fast enough. The quicker she tried to walk, the slower she moved. A scream of frustration rose in her throat, but she didn't want to release it and draw undue attention to herself.

Finally, she spotted the cabins up ahead. Her legs were tired from the strain of running, but seeing that she was almost there, she pushed herself faster. Katrina knocked on the door to the first cabin she came to. Within seconds, a middle-aged man with a scar on his cheek opened it.

"I'm looking for Davi or Felipe. Can you help me?"

He nodded, stepped outside and pointed. "See down the lane? Davi and Felipe live there."

"Which one?" she asked in a raised voice, hoping he could hear her over the loud rain hitting the metal roof.

"Last cabin on the right."

"Oh, thank you!" Knowing she was close, she dashed toward her destination with more energy now. Not only that, but these paths didn't seem as muddy.

When she reached the cabin, she was out of breath, but she knocked furiously. "Davi? Felipe? Are you there?"

From inside, she heard many deep voices. Some were raised in anger. Her heart thudded faster, and she pounded on the door harder, hoping they'd hear her. "Davi? Felipe? Please, I need your help!"

Suddenly, the voices stopped and footsteps stomped frantically on the floor. While she waited for someone to answer the door, she wondered what they could be doing inside that took so long.

When the door cracked open, it was only enough for someone to peek through. She could hardly see the man's dark eyes because of the shadows behind him. "Are you Davi or Felipe?"

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