no room left

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"pikaaaaa" Pikachu was dragging ash by his leg, pleading for him to hear him out. "No Pikachu you had enough ice cream we are leaving now" he wasn't lying, the mouse was about to throw up at some point. "Let's go back to the pokemon center with Brock and Misty. Tomorrow we have to travel to the next city for my next badge" said the boy with a loud exhale. "Chuuu" the puppy eyes don't work on ash so he picks up his loyal friend and starts walking back. "We'll have ice cream again some other day. shhh" with that Pikachu got on ash's shoulder.

The way to the pokemon center was filled with laugher and jokes, within no time they were in front of the red and white building.

Upon their arrival at the pokemon center they saw Brock was sitting in the lobby. "Why aren't u sleeping?" The raven boy suddenly spoke and startled the taller male . "Oh hi ash, you're late its 9 pm" Brock said. "My bad Pikachu wanted to stay a little longer" ash replied to him smiling awkwardly, his palm on the back of his neck as Brock cocked his eyebrow when he said 'little'. "I was waiting for you." The older male told him. "I also told misty to stay with me but she said she has better things to do than wait for a good for nothing loser " a small giggle escaped Brock's mouth. "I'LL SHOW HER TOMORROW WHEN ILL WIN MY 8TH BADGE I WONT BE SUCH A 'LOSER'! " ash shouted. "Haha whatever u say ash" he laughed at his childish friend.

When he stopped with the small giggles he got too serious for ash's liking "Now to the part why exactly I was waiting for you...". Brock paused. The short boy immediately understood. "I am not camping outside I'll sleep on your bed, I do not care" the young boy commanded with a serious face. "No, no, that's not it. You do have a room. You just ... Have a roommate that isn't one of us" the brunette said worried for ash's reaction. "Well who is it? And why is it so bad?" The raven asked confused. "It's Gary" Brock said and the fourteen year old was left dumb founded.

How could Brock say it like it was the most common thing on earth. "There's no way on this earth that I'm doing this, no badge will convince me to be in a room with him for so many hours. I would still deny to stay in the same room as him even if I was offered the tittle 'pokemon master' right here on the spot. Not even the rarest Pokemon on this earth woul-" he was caught off by Brock "yeah, yeah, I get it ash. You don't mind right?" The tan boy asked ignoring the whole lecture he just gave him and smiled innocently. "Of course I do! I literally just- " ash took loud inahale and exhale.

"There's always the option to camp outside" the black haired cringed at that. "ashy boy, Long time no see" the spiky brunette suddenly spoke and caught the poor boy off gaurd. He really couldn't catch a break huh. "Yeah I wished it'd be longer though" the raven said rolling his eyes. "Me too. I didn't wanna meet your sorry ass again unless we were to battle in the indigo league" Gary replied sassy. Brock was backing away knowing damn well they will be arguing the whole night. And he was right, but also wrong. Even Pikachu got tired with all the arguing that he followed Brock to his room tiredly.

When ash noticed his Pikachu was missing he snapped at the brunette "YOU'RE YELLING SO MUCH YOU DROVE AWAY PIKACHU " he shouted at him. Before Gary could say anything, nurse joy came to the rescue. "Please keep quiet. People are sleeping, not only that but I don't allow fights in this center. Understood?" She said and shutted them up. They shook their heads, scared for their lives and did as they were told.

The shorter boy took a shower and then so did the cocky brunette. Gary brought eevee out of her PokeBall and was petting her while reading a research book about pokemon. Meanwhile the small black haired boy was studying his Pokedex.

Suddenly the female pokemon noticed that ash was there. She carefully stalked him as he was looking something up on his Pokedex . Eevee crawled to him and touched his thigh with one of her paws to get his attention. That's when Gary looked up from his book to see what was happening. "Eevee don't get too close to him, you might get his curse and start losing all your battles" ash glared at him but ignored him.

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