UA Entrance Exam And Unwanted Reunion

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It was time for the Entrance Exam of UA.

Izumi and her friends looked for Izuku. But they didn't know that he isn't there.

He was at the fake city in case something goes off.

Izumi:Oni-chan where are you?

Katsuki:Where are you, Nerd?

Shouji:I don't see him.

Kyoka:I can't hear him.

Katsumi:Ichan, are you an Idiot? Where are you?

Shoka:Izu-chan, I have Katsudon.

Momo:I don't think that's gonna work, Shoka.

Izumi:We can't give up. I know that Oni-chan is here.

Then Nighteye walk pass them.


Nighteye:I told you I'm not you'r Uncle! What the fuck do you want?

Izumi:We just want to know where is Oni-chan.

Nighteye: Did you forget the tape and how his room looked like? And Hisashi told us that Izuku doesn't want to be a Hero anymore.


At Nezu are all of the people who were nice to Izuku.

Rei:Why did you call us, Nezu?

Nezu:I believe they can answer that.

The door opened and Hisashi, Ben and Rook came inside.

Mitsuki:Hisashi, what are you doing here?

Hisashi:I'm a Plumber. And I came here with Ben and Rook for The Weilder of The Ultimatrix.

Eraserhead:Did you find him?

... :Yes. I'm up here.

They look above and they see Chameleon on the celling.

They got ready to fight, but Ben interrupted them

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They got ready to fight, but Ben interrupted them.

Ben:Don't worry, he's with us.

The Chameleon came down.

Hisashi:Son, you can turn back.

Everyone(-Hisashi, Ben and Rook)(thought) :Son?

Chameleon turned back to Izuku.

Izuku:Good to see you again.

Then all of them, except for Hisashi, Ben and Rook brought Izuku in a hug.

Izuku:Can't... breath!


Rei:Do you have any idea how worried were for you?

Izuku Midoriya-Weilder Of The UltimatrixWhere stories live. Discover now