Animo Ant Nest

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No one pov

Izuku and Stitch arrived at the Plumbers HQ

Izuku:What's the problem?

Ben:Animo has escaped from his cell
I think he's behind all of this attacks towards me.

Izuku:That's weird. We both have watches that turn us into aliens, but I'm not getting attacked by aliens.

Rook:That's because not everyone knows you, Izuku. And I think Ben has made more than enough enemies.

Ben:But now we must find Animo.

Then Izuku, Stitch, Ben and Rook go to find Animo

Stitch is riding on Izuku shoulder

Ben:Izuku, you never told us where Stitch come from.

Izuku:Stitch is an experiment by a scientist. He's a new life form. Some Galactic Guardians wanted to took him, even if Stitch is innocent. So I take Stitch and from that day, we became friends. Isn't that right, Stitch?

Stitch:Stitch good boy. *smile*

Izuku:But Ben, who's Animo?

Ben:Dr Animo is an scientist who experiment on animals. I fight him since I was 10.

Ben told Izuku about Animo

They fight inside a tunnel with a fire ant

They defeated when Izuku turned into Articguana and Ben into Echoo Echoo

After a while, they arrived at a giant ant nest

After a while, they arrived at a giant ant nest

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Izuku:Damm, that's a tall ant nest.

Then Rook grabbed some green goo and splashed Izuku, Ben and Stitch

Ben:What's gotten into you? To splash us with dirt.

Rook:Not dirt. Pheromones. That way we can pass like we're like one of them.

Izuku:That's actually a good idea.

Ben:Let this work. Because if you splash me with dirt for nothing, you're done.

They enter inside

The ants didn't bother. They smelled them and they recognize like one of them.

Then they saw Animo

Ben:It's over Animo.

Animo:No! Not you again, Ben Tennyson! *saw izuku*Who are you?

Izuku:I'm Izuku Midoriya. Nice to meet you.

Ben:Izuku. Now it's not the time to be nice with peoples.

Rook then went after a power core that one ant has

Then more ants come

Ben:Let's do this again. Come on, Swampfire!

But Ben turned into Rath

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